Chapter 18 :)

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I was screaming and crying the whole ride to the airport. When we were there, my dad told me to get out, but i stayed in there, When he got to close i kicked him where it hurt. I got a text from Niall and it said this:

To: The Awesome Avery 

From: Nialler 

Your mum is calling her lawyer right now. Don't worry, we'll find a way to keep you in England.

I smiled then texted back

To: Nialler

From: The Awesome Avery

Please hurry! We're at the airport, I'm staying in the car, but you know my dad will find a way to get me out.

Wow, I'm talented. I managed to ward off my dad and text at the same time. My dad had enough, so he shouted "Come on, Avery, We don't have all day!"

"I don't want to move, Daddy! I want to stay here in England and be with my friends, and mum, I can't leave her while she's pregnant!" I said, angry.

"Sweetie, if you stay here, that Niall boy will bother you, and he might even try to rape you, and I won't let that happen," My dad said

"Dad, he won't do that, he's better than that, and we broke up, why would he do that if we broke up?" I asked.

"well,..." My dad started, but then his phone rang. 

"Hello?" He asked

"Hello, Jake, it's me, Celine,"

"Oh, hi, Celine, what do you want?"

"Well, I just got off the phone with my lawyer, and she said you have to talk to me about it, and i have to agree about Ave moving, so later on, we can meet at the cofee shop, and talk this through, ok," I overheard Mum say. Thank you, mum! I thought. My dad sighed, then said "I guess I got these plane tickets for nothing, then," 

"Ok, Jake, We will meet, with our lawyers, at two o' clock in the afternoon, is that ok, or are you working?" I heard mum say. (My dad is a doctor, in case you were wondering)

"Nope, that's fine Celine, I don't have work tomorrow, hopefully i can get my job back," He said

I heard my mum gasp and say "Jake, you idiot! Why did you quit your job?"

"Well, i thought Ave and I were going to move to America," Dad said "Alright, bye, Celine, see you tomorrow. He then hung up the phone, got into the car,and drove back to his house, even though i wanted to stay at mum's house again.  

Author's note- Hey, guys, i hope you liked this chapter, i know it's kind of boring because the boys aren't physically in it, but it was about Avery, Celine, and Jake and the argument they were having. At least Niall texted her!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace out, Girl Scout(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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