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We cuddled the whole time staring at the ring. "I'm so excited"He said. "You're more excited compared to your Mother"I said. He nodded "I'm so nervous earlier that I might fainted but when I saw you—It's only you smiling at me, Too much perfect—I suddenly feel at ease when you hold me"He said and I just want to cry here, Now.

I'm so lucky to met him. He is the one who comfort me and he is the only person who stayed by my side when I'm broke, He saved me.

This guy is my hero. This guy here will be soon my Husband.

Suddenly I remember that familiar face. I don't recognize that guy earlier because he was in the dark—but his body, shape of face, eyes—all of them is familiar.

I sighed "Are you tired?"He asked. I hummed and rest my head on his chest.

He played with my hair that makes me easily get to sleep.

"You left me!!, Why did you left me like that?"A silhouette said and push me. "I just want you to call me and stayed with me" He continued. He grabbed me by my shoulder and he leaned in.

That familiar feeling of his lips to mine "Jungkook" I called then he pulled away and pushed me to the wall and started to kiss me roughly, Shit!!, This is not Jungkook.

"I just want to be with you, I want you to stop me, I didn't want it and all I want for you is to stop me!!"He shouted and started to rip my clothes. I shouted and keeps hitting him.

He stopped and he leaned in to kiss me even though I tried to stop him seems like nothing affect him or hurt him—His soft lips moves as if what it usually did to mine—and I started to respond to his kiss. "T-Ta...."I moaned and My eyes widened and stopped this guy in front of me.

"At least remember me you pathetic slut"He said and pushed me again and Jungkook is beside him just watching me—I called him but he is blank, no expressions.

"Jungkook!!!" I shouted and reached out.

"Baby!!—I'm here!!, Wake up"Jungkook voice makes me opened my eyes literally wide. I immediately hug him "It's just a dream—I'm here"He reassured.

"Y—You ignore me, The guy...H-he was...He was raping me"I mumbled the last sentenced. He cupped my cheeks "No—I won't ignore you, Never!"He said and hug me.

He lay me down and kissed me softly and full of care. Not like in the dream.

What is worse—I kissed back the guy there—Oh Shit, Who the hell is that?!!

I fell asleep again after Jungkook hummed a song that I don't know.

I opened my eyes and everything is dark—I checked the time and it showed 2:57 a.m

I rubbed my eyes and my phone ringtone echoed to the quiet room.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the unknown message.

Can we talked? 11:23p.m

Who the hell is this?

Who are you? 2:58a.m

You know me, Meet me at Restaurant where your idiotic husband proposed. 2:58a.m

I frowned, Who the hell is this?!! He even called Jungkook Idiot.

I should just ignore this. Rude.

I sighed "W-What's wrong Baby?"Jungkook asked with his husky voice. I cupped his face and kissed him "Nothing, Let's Sleep"I said and hug him to go back to sleep.

He didn't questioned anything, I'll just tell him tomorrow about that rude person.

I woken up earlier than I thought, I ordered some food for Jungkook to eat.

He woke up and a morning kiss is what he still look for. I smiled at his kiss. "Breakfast?"I asked and showed him a Pancake that I ordered.

He hummed with still his closed eyes. I hold him and sat him down. "Ahh"I said and he just opened his mouth eating the pancake that I put in.

As he swallowed it he still closed his eyes. I grabbed a napkin on the table as he opened his mouth I put the napkin to it.

He immediately spit it out and glared at me "Good Morning Honey"I said sweetly and he hug me immediately.

His phone suddenly rang—Work.

It's his Vacation though why are they calling him?

End of chapter.

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