9: Pregnancy.

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I Leave the house after they left—I looked around the mall and saw a familiar girl glaring at me.

"You damn bitch!"She shouted and jumped at me. "What the!!"I shouted and also grabbed her hair.

"How dare you flirt with my boyfriend!!"She shouted. "As I remember I didn't flirt with your fucking boyfriend"I said and pushed her that makes her fall to the floor.

"You Slut!!"She shouted and about to slap me but I'm such a bitch and punched her first "Wow—That feels good"I said and walked away.

Boyfriend—It's been 3 years...They last that long..both bitch.

I go back home pretty moody as usual—I stop when Jungkook looked at me worried.

"What happened to you?"He asked. I gulped "Some wild animal attack me"I said. He approached me and rub my cheeks and it stings a lot.

I winced "Fuck—It's hurt"I said. "We are dead"He said. I frowned "What?—Why?"I asked nervously.

"Yera—"He started but the door suddenly slammed. Oh shit.

Right now, We're here in Police station—Yera beat the hell out of Taehyung's Girl.

"What?!!"Yera shouted to the officer... "That Fucking Bitch beat up my friend—No, My favorite friend—She started it!"She shouted and pulled me and pointed to my cheeks "See this scratches "She's hurt!"She shouted.

I sighed and looked at the officer apologetic. "Miss—Calm down."The Officer said.

"I'll handle this"Jungkook said and cover Yera's mouth. "Shut up and I'll explain."

Yera fight back but Jungkook is still stronger—Every word Yera was saying is muffled.

I felt my stomach aches—And nausea.

"J-jungkook"I called but it become a whispered. I felt my body met the floor and I can't see anything.

Some was shoutings—Calling my name.

"Baby!!"Jungkook voice wake me up. "Are you okay?"He asked. Everyone is looking at me.

I nodded "Just dizzy and tired"I excuse. Jungkook sighed "I'll take you home"He said. I shake my head "No—Don't leave Yera"I said, Yera looked at me "I can handle this"She said.

Jungkook knows that Yera can't handle that—She's a war freak.

"I'll call Hyung to get you home"He said that makes my eyes widened "No!"I shouted.
"He can't handle this things—so I can trust him just to take you home"He said and looked at me begging.

"Fine"I said.

Taehyung came with scratches with his arm—She hurt him.

The drive is full of silence—The wind just refreshed my mind—and suddenly I felt weird with my stomach.

I clutched to Taehyung's arm "What?—H-Hey, Are you okay?"He asked when I yelped in Pain.

"This won't do anything—"He said and turn the car. "No!!"I shouted.

"Shut up!!—You need hospital!"He said. I shouted in pain and I clutched my stomach.

This is not menstruation cramps—My period is delayed.

I inhaled and calm myself "Hang in there"He said and I hit him "Just fucking drive!"I shouted.

When we arrived in the hospital—The nurse and doctors shouted that I'm pregnant.

"No—I'm not!!"I shouted back "You're not?—We will find out miss"The Doctor said.

Some test was being made—No radiations.

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