5: Brother.

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He drove me to the hotel and go to his work. This boy is something else.

When I entered the Penthouse, Someone is sitting there comfortably "Oh You shit!!, No dirty damn foot on my table!!"I shouted. "Oh Come on Sis!!"He whined. "Park Jimin—Either this is my temporary house or not—I still want everything clean"I nag. He groaned and put his shoe down, and he left his small feet on the table.

I hit his head "Are you kidding me?"I asked. He shake his head "What?—Don't tell me even my socks is dirty"He said. I chuckled and sat beside him "No—It's just smelly"I said. He tickled me suddenly "No no!!—S-Stop you shit!"I shouted and keeps on giggling "I'm your brother not shit!!"He said and keeps on tickling me.

"Yeah yeah whatever"I said finally he stop. I tried to keep my breathing to normal, He looked at me and his eyes moves to my hand who have a shining diamond ring.

"Oh Shit!!!—Really?!!"He asked excitedly. I smiled and nodded "When did he proposed?"He asked.

"Yesterday"I said. He take a picture of it and send to our parents "I didn't know someone have a long patient like that"He said and I hit him—suddenly my mind moved to my Ex.

Jimin noticed my sudden changed of mood "Are you okay?"He asked, I nodded and tried to think "Did you know?"I asked. He sat comfortably on the couch "Know what?"He asked.

"He is back"I said. "He?—Who he?"He asked with a mess english.

"Kim Taehyung"I said and anger showed to my brothers face "That F*cking Ex of yours is Back?!" He shouted, until we heard a glass shatters.

We looked behind and there Jungkook looked blank and the wine is broken.

"Did you say Kim Taehyung?"He asked. I looked at Jimin—I think They already talked about him before.

"Yeah Bro, So?"Jimin asked.
Suddenly I can't hear when I heard Jungkook blurted out.

My eyes is wide and completely awake—Please Tell me...tell me this is a Lie.

"He is my step Brother"Jungkook said.

End of Chapter.
Sorry for Short Chapter.

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