11: Final.

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And just like that months passed and my friendship with Taehyung success.

I regret telling him to leave me and Jungkook...He helps me a lot, he is also the one that inform Jungkook about me if he started to get busy on his work.

He help me and Jungkook a lot now, Scared and Anger disappeared.

Jimin and Taehyung becomes best friend, I don't know if they have a plan to lived together because 24/7 they are always together.

I even once ship them because of their closeness but the Two denied it...because of that, they started to inform me about one of them bringing a girl in their house.

And it's disgusting, they talked about who was good in sex, they are competing.

"What do you think Y/N"They both suddenly asked. Jungkook who was sleeping beside me flinch "Are you sure that you're asking a pregnant woman who will have a twins soon about that?"I asked.

"Well, I still do think that you're a woman who knows exactly about what we both talking about"Jimin said raising his eyebrow.

"This guy here is the best"I said pointing to my husband. They both groaned "Why we even bothered?"Taehyung said smirking.

I heard Jungkook chuckled. I hit his forehead "I know you're awake!"I said. He winced "What?—I need to pretend to sleep so they can ask you"He said.

"Even though you're not asleep they will still ask"I said. He nodded "But they will think they have a chance if they know I'm asleep"He said then peck my cheeks.

"Whatever"I said.

And just like that my Life is perfect. Right now, All I did is shout my husband name while pulling his hair out.

He keeps on wincing and groaning "I can't do this!!!!—i-it's hurt!!!"I shouted. The doctor assist me shouting "Push".

"Jeon Jungkook you shit!!!, It's hurt!!"I shouted and slap his arms. "Baby, I know you can do it"He said wiping my tears.

"I'm tired"I whined. One last push and the Doctor cheered "It's a boy!!"She shouted.

Jungkook wipe my sweat then smiled "You did it"He said. I slap him "No Sherlock, I think yoy forgot we have a twins"I said, and his eyes showed fear.

And another round of beating Jungkook and tearing my vagina apart is done, As expected it's girl and boy.

I opened my eyes and saw a Hazel and Dark chocolate eyes looking at me.

"The mother finally woke up, The Babies are hungry"Taehyung said.

The two nursed came in holding the two 'Jeon's'

Jungkook smiled at me "We have a prince and princess"He said pecking my cheeks.

I smiled to the nurses when they gave us the babies.

Jungkook even cried when princess hold his finger. Taehyung left so I can comfortably breastfeed the babies.

And the happy ending is not that good.

"Baby, Hana is crying"Jungkook whined lifting the little boy. I groaned and walked to the little girl in crib.

I lift it and pat her back to go back to sleep. "We need a rest"Jungkook said kissing my head.

And here we go, the nanny's came and we get a rest. We apparently just get a 2 hours date, The two nanny's already make a 145 missed calls and 300+ messages.

As we opened the door, Two stressed faced looked at us kneeling "What is happening here?"I asked as I tried to stop my laugh.

Jungkook hide his now chuckling face on my hair.

"Y/N, Jungkook~ah—We are resigning"They both said. I chuckled and take a chance to take pictures.

Suddenly a bullet foam hit Jimin and Taehyung's Head.

"Headshot!!"The tiny voice cheered. I bit my lower lip and the two uncles eyes started to water. I gasped.

"Jeon Yeohan, Jeon Hana!!"I shouted and giggles echoed to the house. "Mom Dad, Can we sleep with uncles?!!"They both asked with their high pitch voice.

I sighed "Help us!!"The two beg.
And laughter echoes and Complained.

Now, I know Chances doesn't need to be counted, you just have to give us the proof that you won't waste the chance and everything will be fine.


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