6: Ruin.

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We sat awkwardly "Jungkook—Are you sure?"Jimin asked. Jungkook sighed "I don't know"He said frustrated.

I just keep quiet—Jungkook knows how Taehyung handled me, hurt me—how he Affect me
so much...even the Past and the Present I still feel the same.

Hurt, Disgust, and Hate.

I will never forgive him. And Jungkook know about it. I watched Jungkook messed his hair and gulped before looking at me with fear in his eyes.

I tried to kill myself because of Kim Taehyung.

Now, What is going to happen, Jungkook knowing his Step Brother is the reason of me trying the word Suicide.

A gentle hold on my hand snapped me out—With a Messy hair, Hot cheeks, He smiled widely "Everything will be fine"He said.

I nodded not returning his smile and I saw how it broke him inside. I looked away "You must be tired, Go take a rest"He said.

Again, I just nod and left them without saying a word.

I know Jungkook, You just want to talked with my brother and left me out of it so you will handle all the stress.

Think Positive?—Hope that still work to you.

I climbed on the bed covering my whole body with the warm of the blanket.

After a minute, I felt the bed shrunk at the edge, I felt a tug on my shoulder...I immediately closed my eyes.

I know—You're hurt. I don't want to see it, Please leave me alone.

He hug me tightly. I stayed quiet "You must be so tired"He whispered. I just stay like that. He peck me before hugging me again.

I heard a sniffed "I'm sorry Baby"He said with a deep voice.

He is crying.

"I'm one of them...One of those idiot that support my brother"He said and his hug tightened. I'm confused, What does he mean by support?

"I'm such an Idiot, I'm sorry Baby"He said and another sniffed. "I encourage him to left his girl so that he can accomplished his dream—I'm such an idiot"He said and tears left my eyes.

"I even gave him the idea to cheat on her because she's too boring"He said and I felt him punching or hitting his self.

I turn around and immediately hug him "I don't deserve you"He said while crying. "I'm such an idiot who hurt his brother and now his girlfriend"He said and sobbed.

I tightened my hold and shh him. "Jungkook, Calm down"I said. He hugged me back, He cried on my shoulder and his hands on my back gripping my cloth tightly.

"Baby~...I'm so sorry"He apologized. I know, I know Jungkook.

You're sorry, but I can't still forgive you...

"I hurt you"He said. I wiped my tears and looked at him—He won't even looked at me.

I kissed him but he didn't kiss me back "No Jungkook, Please"I beg and he pulled away with his tears stained his skin.

He left the bed and left the house. The breathe that I've been holding is now released with my sob.

I hate this. I'm supposed to be happy now.

I'm a coward, Scared of everything—but I will fight for Jungkook. He wants everything on their right lane—He can't handle this kind of things.

The house feel so lonely. I grip the blanket so hard that I felt my nails on my Palm.

I gulped down "Why did you even come back?!!"I shouted and keep hitting the bed.

Suddenly a Text snapped me out of my anger—I looked at the notification and it's the unknown number again.

It's good to see you again, Baby Girl, you make me wait there for 3 hours until the restaurant closed, You hate me that much?, How pathetic.    8:35p.m

I frowned. This is him.

I'll meet you. 8:36p.m

I grabbed the phone and left the hotel not caring about my Clothes or what I looked like.

This is his fault—Why did he even come back. Everything is supposed to be right.

but all of it is already ruined.

End of Chapter.

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