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Words: 1243

Jason Wilson.

The name kept haunting me everywhere I went. I had to know who the man was and why he told me a different name. I knew he worked at Alex's company, but who he was, was still a complete mystery to me. I know I'm a hypocrite when it comes to hiding your own name. I know I had done the exact same thing as he did, but I had a plausible excuse for why I didn't give my name. Having to keep a low profile when it comes to my privacy, it's not always a smart idea to give out your real name. Even though I'm only a stripper, it's still considered a "sin" to many and it's even frowned upon quite a lot.

I made it my mission to find out who the guy was and what story he hid behind his build-up walls. I knew that I had to do this whilst picking up Alex from work during lunch time, because I wouldn't have any excuse for my presence there otherwise. And for as far as I knew, that was the only place I knew he could be.

So with that being said, on Wednesday a few minutes before Alex's lunchtime, I walked inside the building and did my small 'routine'. Look around, walk up to the desk, greet Chelsea and decline her offer to have a cup of coffee.

"You're rather early, this time, Mr. Horan. Couldn't wait to see Mr. Styles again?" she asked nonchalantly. Her eyes were trained on her computer screen, typing away as she looked uninterested in the answer to her question.

I shrugged and placed my right hand on the desk, tapping with my fingers on the smooth, but cold surface of the marble design. "There was no traffic, thus, making me a little bit earlier. Do you mind?"

Chelsea looked up briefly and pushed her glasses higher up her nose. "No, not at all, but didn't he inform you on the fact he has a meeting till 2pm? You're going to be here for a while, if you're planning on waiting." She looked back down to the screen and continued her work.

Great... It was 12.13. What in God's name would I be doing this whole time?

With a small puff of air that passed my lips, I bend over slightly and rested my bare forearms against the cold marble plate.

For at least 3 minutes Chelsea continued with what she was doing until she probably got annoyed with my fumbling and stopped working altogether. "Alright, look, sweety. I have to work and if you're going to distract me from it every 2 seconds, it's not going to be finished today. You're quite a social and nice man, maybe you should just go to the cafeteria and see who's around? I know Mr. Styles, Alexander's brother, is having his lunchtime. He's such a lovely guy, himself, I'm sure you'd get along."

I kind of felt bad for keeping Chelsea off her work. I could have easily just went back home and text Alex that I wouldn't be going to lunch with him that day, but something told me that wasn't what I truly wanted. It's not like I lived so close to the building. It was quite the drive and coming all the way here, just to be told I should go back, wasn't very pleasing to hear.

At first I wanted to decline Chelsea's offer to go to the cafeteria, but then I remembered I hadn't met 'Henry' yet, Alex' brother and as much as I would prefer Alex introducing him to me, I knew there was a small chance of that ever even happening.

After another moment of me debating whether or not I should take Chelsea's advice, I smiled at her and nodded, deciding that maybe talking to some other people around this place would be good.

"Alright, darling. Just go down the hall and up the stairs, second floor. You can't miss it." She smiled softly at me and bowed her head down again to do her work.

I did as told and made my way over to the cafeteria.

Once inside, I noticed it wasn't quite as busy as I imagined it would be. A few people were seated – most with a laptop on the table, typing away whilst sipping on some coffee or taking small bites of whatever they were having for lunch. It didn't look very cosy to me, but that was probably not the intention of this room anyways.

My eyes wandered around the place until they landed on a tall figure. He smiled at the lunch lady as he paid for his food and thanked her. She shook him off and smiled brightly back at him, his charm making her blush a little.

He was wearing an all-black suit with a pink shirt underneath. His hair was a fluffy mess, instead of his usual perfectly styled coiffure. I noticed the thick rings on his fingers. They were very bold and visible, but fit him perfectly, nonetheless.

In two words, he looked: extraordinarily attractive.

After he had bid her goodbye, he turned around and walked towards the entrance, slowing down his pace once his eyes landed on me. I could see him take in a deep breath as he studied my posture. His eyes shamelessly roamed over my body before he huffed and tightened his grip around his sandwich.

Poor sandwich...

He walked towards me, stopped briefly when he was just behind me, not even bothering to turn around as he spoke up. "You know, I could get a restraining order against you. Your stalking is starting to piss me off," he said, his voice deep and thick as honey. It sounded bitter-sweet.

"Oh really? And here I thought I was making your day." I tried to sarcastically fire back.

"Whatever, gigolo." He whispered the last part under his breath, but I tried to ignore it.

He made his way over to the stairs, but I stopped him.

"Wait, Jason."

He groaned and looked up before walking back to me and gripping my bicep pretty firm, just like the poor sandwich. "Look, my name is not Jason, it never was and it never will be. Now, I don't want you to cause any more trouble here in this building, so if you would kindly follow me, I'd like to take this somewhere more private."

I swallowed thickly and nodded my head as I stared back into his dangerously irresistible eyes.

Oh God...


Hey guys!

I have tried my best to write something down for you guys, since I know it's been quite a while. I hope you're not too disappointed in me.

ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. If you read my other series, you know I'm working on that again, so go check it out if you haven't and if you don't read it yet, what are you waiting for?
Just kidding, but seriously guys, I am really grateful to have you all, without you I wouldn't be the person I am today. So thank you for that. 

Question: Did you go to a concert of any of the boys yet? (I went to Harry, oh my God)

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