chapter 2

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With the boring subjects and lunch out of the way, you sat in your seat as you excitedly waited for the pro hero teaching today's out door activity to arrive.

No sooner than later did the door open and a booming voice made itself know.


At this point you couldn't help but squeal and grin from ear to ear like a manic.

"It's really him! All Might's actually going to teach us!" You heard someone say.

Whoever it was sounded pretty excited, but you had no room to talk. You'd admired All Might since you were little, despite the fact that your parents were pro Hero's- you rarely ever got to meet any other pro's. Hell, you hardly spent any time with them, they were always busy with different cases to work on.

Which was probably the reason why you preferred to be at a little distance from people, you got so used to being alone that you didn't mind sitting by yourself.

You were shaken from your thoughts as All Might's voice once again boomed throughout the classroom enthusiastically.

"Foundational hero studies! For this class we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trail's! And to start things off..... we'll be jumping right into it today! With the trial of battle!!"

'Wow, already battling? Man.... it's only the second day of school....' you thought to yourself as he continued on.

"And to go with your first battle... we've prepared the costumes we had you send in requests for!" He pointed towards the wall, which slid open to reveal individual compartments. "In there, you will find your very own battle gear! So come up to the front, pick up your costumes, and go get changed! We'll all meet up at Grounds Beta when you're finished!"

Instantly the class hurried to grab their costumes before making a break for the changing rooms.


Much like yesterday, the sky was an open blue sea with only a few clouds here and there. Only today was warmer.

You stood outside on Ground Beta in your hero costume with your fellow peers. You admired how creative and unique your peers costumes were.

Suddenly a force from behind pushed you to the ground, you looked up to see Bakugou glaring down at you with his arms crossed.

"Seriously Bakugou!" You yelled, "did you really have to push me to get my attention?!" You stood up and dusted yourself off.

For a quick second his cheeks flushed a crimson colour of embarrassment before his expression darkened with a glare.

"You were in my fucking way," he muttered. His ruby eyes then trailed you up and down as he took in your hero costume.

Your costume wasn't as complicated in design as some of the others but it wasn't dull or boring, and while is wasn't as revealing as some of the other girls were- it still complimented your figure nicely.

You wore a tight one piece [favorite colour] suit the clung to your hips and thighs and a silver zipper connected from the turtle neck collar of the costume to your lower stomach. It was unzipped enough to expose a bit of your cleavage.

You noticed his gaze lingering there for more than a few seconds, so you decided to have some fun.

"Like what you see Katsuki- Kun~?" You teased as you groped your breast, pushing them close together.

His face instantly went a blaze.

"Sh-shut the fuck up!.... And who gave you the right to call me by my first name?!"

He was clearly flustered.

You liked that.

"Awe~ Katsuki-kun! I thought we were friends," you pouted playfully.

"The fuck are you saying? If you think by being 'friends' with me that you'll get an advantage in school?!" He crossed his arms and growled at you.

'Why am I even trying to be this ass hats friend anyways? Sure he's hot....but he's a total douche!....then maybe because he doesn't have any friends.....'

You contemplated to yourself for a moment before ultimately deciding Kacchan could use a friend.

You shook your head as a goofy smile spread across your face, "no way Katsuki-kun! I think your kinda cool is all! Even though your kind of an asshole."


"Oh look!" You cut him off as you spotted Uraraka, "there's Uraraka-chan! See you later Katsuki-kun!" You waved as you quickly ran over to your link loving friend.


Short chapter I know, but I updated pretty quick!

Sweet dreams (Bakugou Katsuki x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now