Chapter 20: Sick day (100+ follower special!)

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That's right, you read the title of this chapter correctly- it's another one-shot special!

I know in the past my "chapter special's" haven't been all that great, if anything, I purposely made those chapter's weird or low-key cringey. But I've recently decided that I'm going to take a small 4-5 month break from working on this story for personal reasons.

Please don't ask for updates, comments like these irritate me. Please don't role play in the comments section, that's super annoying. And please don't spam me with comments, 1 or 2 comments per chapter is fine- but some of y'all have been leaving a comment after every paragraph I write.

But with that all aside, I hope you guys enjoy this 100+ follower special.

No this chapter does not follow the story plot of this fanfic. It's simply meant to be a short little one-shot. Also, it supposed to take place sometime during S3, but don't worry! This chapter doesn't really have any major spoilers so you guys who haven't seen S3 don't have to worry :)


Heart hammering against your rib cage and throat on fire- you barely make it in time to release the bile into the toilet.

"Oh god....disgusting..." you voice cracks out before you release another round of stomach acid from your mouth. It was funny, really, how last night you were feeling just fine and now here you are- puking your guts out in the girls bathroom.

"Um....[Name]-chan? Are you alright?" Uraraka asked hesitantly as she placed her hand gently on your hunched over back. You were so preoccupied with spilling you're guts out that you didn't even notice her. Groggily, you shook you're head.

"No, I don't think I can go to school today," you admitted to her. Making your way over to the sink to wash your mouth out, Uraraka spoke again.

"Uh...alright. I'll go tell Mr. Aizawa- sensei, your should probably rest up in your room." You nodded your head to her before making your way back to your dorm room.


You abruptly awoke to the sound of someone banging on your bedroom door. Startled from your sleep, you crept over to the door and opened it.

"Alright nerd, so apparently your sick or some shit? I don't know, but Aizawa made be stay behind today to make sure you don't make a mess or some shit," Katsuki said nonchalantly as he leaned against your door frame.

You blinked once. Then twice. Then another four times before the pieces clicked together in your head.

"Huh?! Seriously? You?! Out of all my classmates Aizawa picked you?!" You were shocked to say the least.

"Oi! What the fuck is that supposed to mean!" Katsuki fumed.

"Well, I just wasn't expecting it is all. If anything I wasn't really expecting Aizawa to make anyone stay behind at the dorms to look after me."

"Yeah, well, he asked me to stay behind- but don't get too cocky now. Aizawa left me with a shit tone of homework to do. So don't expect me to be your little maid, okay?"

You chuckled, "it's okay Katsuki-kun. I'll only ask for your assistance if I absolutely need-" you were cut off as Katsuki leaned in close to your face. You flushed deeply as he gingerly laid his hand across your forehead; a blank expression was painted across his features.

"[Name], your burning up. You should probably lay back down." Before you could protest against him, Katsuki was already pushing your shoulder's down, forcing you to sink down into your bed.

"Katsuki-kun, what are you doing?" You asked as he took a seat at the end of your bed. He pulled out a text book from you back pack before answering you.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting my homework done."

"Well....I guess that makes sense," you muttered as you pulled your blankets closer to yourself.


It was a lie that Aizawa made Bakugou stay at the dorms to take care of [Name]. Bakugou had purposely volunteered himself to take care of her. Sure his classmates gave him surprised and odd looks when he shouted at the top of his lungs for Aizawa to chose him to play nurse for [Name], but he could care less about what they thought. At least his plan was falling into pieces.

Bakugou held his breath as he caress her features gently with the back of his hand. You had fallen asleep an hour or so ago and Bakugou found himself giving into his desires.

He felt out a breathy chuckle, "finally...." he softly whispered to himself. Letting his finger tips move from caressing your cheek to touching the bottom of your lip. A smirk, almost sinister, grew on his face. "I'm really glad I decided to slip some Ipecac syrup into your breakfast [Name]-chan~" Bakugou leaned forward and rested a stomach fluttering kiss on your lips. "Because now I can have a day with you all to myself~"


In case you're don't know what Ipecac syrup is- It's an over the counter syrup medicine that makes you throw up. Doctor's will sometimes write prescriptions for this medicine if patents have food poisoning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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