Chapter 3

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The pic above is my lazy ass Bakugou cosplay, was gonna do a drawing or something but I didn't feel all that inspired, of anyone out there makes fan art or a fan edit pic I'd love to use it as a cover of a chapter💞
Just send it to me on my Instagram Lady.Dead.Rabbit or Lady.Dead.Rabbit_art either account is fine with me👌
Also I know Katsuki's birthday day was recent, if I get up to a 100 reads before I write the next chapter I'll make a short little special for Kacchan's birthday.
And one more thing I'd like to mention before we get to the chapter is I've recently started writing a new fanfic called The weeping angel, it's a RYO Asuka x reader so of any of you guys out there like Devilman Crybaby then feel free to check it out.
Anyways, that's all I wanted to say.

Not long after your conversation with the hot headed blonde did All Might start explaining the directions for today's activity.

"Now then!" All Might started, "for today's training, we will be doing an indoor battle trial! Why indoors you ask? Well, it's simple! Although villian cleanup is usually seen out in the open, statistically speaking, more acts of villainy are committed indoors. That's why, for this exercise, we'll have you split into "villian" and "hero" groups, for a two-on-two battle!" He explained.

'Two-on-two? I wonder who I'll be partnered up with and who'll go against....'  you thought to yourself as your gaze trailed among your classmates.

"Alright then!" All Might once again drew everyone's attention towards himself. "I'm sure you all must have quite a few questions, so I'll debrief you on what's going to happen. For this training we'll have some "villains" guarding a "nuclear weapon" that's planning to deploy. If the heroes capture the villians or reach the nuclear core before the time runs out, they win. If the "villains" are instead able to keep the core for the whole duration or capture the heroes, then they win."

The tall navy blue haired boy you spoke to earlier raised his hand, "and how will the teams be decided?"

"That's simple," All Might pulled out a bowl with scrap's of paper in side. "In order to completely randomize the pairings and avoid any bias, your teammates will be chosen be lottery!"

'Lets just hope I don't end up with a slacker.'

One by one you and your classmates drew a card from the lottery bowl.

Your [eye colour] orbs scanned over the print on the card.

'Team A, huh? I wonder who my partner is...'

"Hey!" A gruff voice called out behind you, startling you as you turn to face a Bakugou a little too close for comfort.

You take a few steps back before regaining your composer, 'how did I not hear him come up behind me?!'

"What team are you on?" Katsuki asks nonchalantly as if he wasn't practically up your ass a few seconds ago.

"What's it matter to you?" Your murmur as you fold your arms and press the card closer to your chest.

"Just tell me what fucking team your on?!" He growled again.

'Seriously what's with this guy?'

"I'm on team A if you must know," you tell him hoping he'll go away.

"Hmm....oh..." Much to your surprise Katsuki's shoulders slump and his face displays clear disappoinment for reasons your not sure of.

"What? Why the long face? Are we partnered up together or something?" You propped for answers.

"I'm on team D, but at least I don't have to deal with your lazy ass." Katsuki says half heartedly, which only further your confusion. You weren't goven much time to dwell on the thought as All Might caught your attention again.

"Now then! The first pairs to do battle will be the following...." He pulled out two cards, one with 'A' and the other with 'D'.

'Shit! Now I have to fight against Katsuki! And wrost of all, I don't even know who my partner is!'

"Pair A will be the heroes for this exercise and pair D will be the villians!"


You and your partner- who you found out was Deku- stealthily made your way into the tall plain grey building that you'd be fighting against Katsuki and Iida. The inside of the building was rather hot and from the walls to the ceiling it was covered in black squares while the floor's we're simply concrete.

The entire place was like a maze, lots of narrow hallways that all looked the same.

Suddenly Deku pushed you back behind him as Katsuki appeared out from behind the corner, setting off an explosion from his palms- that took a chunk out of the wall were your head would've been.

"Damnit! Deku don't dodge me!" Katsuki's eyes were crazed with an insane rage as he lunged towards the two of you.

"[Name]-chan! Go now!" Deku yelled at you, you didn't want to leave him behind to face off against Katsuki alone but it was clear to you that these two had some background together and it was probably best that you didn't interfere with them in battle. So with great reluctance, you left Deku.


The moment your fingers grazed the "nuclear bomb" All Might's voice broke through the speakers announcing your victory.

Sweet dreams (Bakugou Katsuki x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now