Episode 2: Out of Time Part 1

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"Doctor, let me fly the TARDIS, I actually passed my test, unlike somebody I know

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"Doctor, let me fly the TARDIS, I actually passed my test, unlike somebody I know..."

"Rose, don't touch that, you have no idea what that does..."

"I don't want to go..."

"Daleks, lots of them and they are not very happy with the lot of us..."

"Doctor...sonic...give me...now...please..."

"Martha Jones, I like that name, Doctor Jones has a very nice ring to it..."

"I'm regenerating Theta, not dying..."

"I can always rewind time and do something different to get a different outcome, just give me a more..."

"Doctor, you are completely mad, but that's what I love about you..."

"Uh, that's a big red button Doctor; you know what happens when you touch big red buttons. The world could possibly blow up or we turned into evil cats..."

"Rose, that is the Doctor...different face, different taste, but still the Doctor..."

"Quantum Physics, everyone knows about that, it's like understanding where humans came from; child's play..."

"I'm the Hero, the Hero of Time; the one that is destine to save the world, save time itself, save the Doctor, and save Gallifrey. You should be very afraid of me..."

"Doctor...I don't know what's going on...I'm fading away...I'm disappearing..."

"Theta, please help me...I can't...I don't..."


Max gasped awake, shooting her amber eyes opened, almost falling off the bed all together. Her breathing was heavy, and she was sweating as though she just got done running a marathon.

'What was that dream...or nightmare, Theta, that's the name I said in my vision or whatever yesterday when I passed out.' The brunette thought thinking back about yesterday. 'What a strange dream,' she thought pushing her bangs away from her face.

"That's what happens when you do research all night Max." She muttered to herself glancing at her alarm clock as it glares back at her. She woke up way too early, all of her classes are in the afternoon, that didn't matter she had to meet Chloe before she went to her classes anyway.

She yawned rubbing her face, trying to get herself together. She chuckled to herself when she saw all the notes and stretches she did last night. When she got back from Chloe's, she did nothing, but buried herself in any book, website, blog, and forums about rewinding time, time manipulation, etc. Surprisingly, there was a lot of information about time and controlling it. She'll have to remind herself to do a marathon of any movie that has something to do with time travel or time manipulation.

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