Walked away🥀

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More cops came later on to look for Matthew but there was no sight of him!

Just like Zach!
We tried calling but he just doesn't answer!

"Ms. Andrea, would you like to press charges on Melissa Paul?" Said one of the polices as he came towards all of us!

"No sir" she says as she pulls me for a hug but again I push her away!

"Actually sir, I think you should take me! Andrea, please press charges against me! I deserve it!" I say as I look at her!

"No that's not necessary! I know what you did was wrong but everyone deserves a second chance" she says smiling at me!

I smile back at her!

"Well Let's go back to the hotel, we have to start packing because tomorrow we are back in LA" says Jonah as he starts walking towards the car!

"No!" I scream!

They all turn to look at me!

"We need to find Zach" I say looking down!

"He will come back to the hotel by tonight! It's okay, lets go!" Says jack as he grabs my hand but I pull it away!

"Sorry, I care about him so I'm gonna go find him" I say running towards the same route that he had left through!

"Wait Melissa" I heard all of them say!

But they couldn't catch up or stop me!
I was gonna find Zach no matter what!

I keep running until I can't anymore!
Where could Zach have gone?
I begin thinking.

The cave!

I noticed that I was on some forest called Felix forest!

Isn't that where the cave was at?

I run toward the little hill because below that was the cave.....Zach's cave!

I run until I got to the outside of the cave!

But before going in I prayed!

Please God, help me find Zach! I know what I said was wrong and hurtful but I don't know why it just came out of my mouth! I wasn't thinking straight! Please forgive me!

(A/N: I'm sorry if you are not religious)

"Here we go" I whisper as I enter the cave!

I start walking around and looking for Zach on the little rooms but there was no sight of him!

Then I walk to the room where the symbols were last time and I see him laying down on the floor hugging a picture of his parents!

He had tear stains on his cheek!
This is what I caused!

I get closer to him and I noticed that he was asleep!

I bend down next to him and I start shaking him!




Finally he opens his eyes and looks around the room before meeting my eyes!

He stared at me with hurt in his eyes!

"Zach lets go back to the-" I begin to say but he cut me off!

"Get out of here and leave me alone" he mumbles looking away!

"Zach I didn't-" I say but again he cut me off!

"Can't you hear? Leave. Me . Alone!" He yells at me!

I nod!

"I'm sorry" I whisper as I get up and head out the cave!

I jog to the nearest road and once I have signal, I called an Uber!

After the 30 minute Uber ride, I went to the hotel!

When I entered the room they all looked at me with worried faces!

"What happened? Did you find him?" Ask Cristina!

"Yeah, but he didn't let me talk to him and told me to leave him alone" I say as I look down!

I'm very disappointed on myself!
How could I say that to him!

"Why didn't he-" begins to ask Corbyn but I cut him off!

"Can we just sleep? Please!" I say!

They all nod and smile at me!
I'm so thankful that I have friends like them that are a supportive to me even when I do dumb shit like this!
*next day* ( still MelPOV)

I woke up to the smell of pancakes!

"Breakfast is ready" says Andrea as she sees me awake!

I smile at her!
I get up and noticed that Zach didn't come back!
He didn't come sleep with me!
Next to me!

Of course he didn't, I just hurt him in one of the most hurtful ways!

I get interrupted my thought when Jonah comes in to our room since he, Daniel and jack share another hotel room together!

"Guys after we eat breakfast, I'm gonna go pay the rooms and then when I come back up to the rooms, y'all better have the luggage ready and all the stuff packed" he says as we all say 'okay' or just nod!

After a few minutes, we all finished breakfast!

"I'm gonna go talk to Daniel" I say to them as I get up and walk toward the door!

I close the door, walk through the hallways and then I reached their hotel room and I knocked!

"Hey" whispers Daniel!

"Why are you whispering? Is something wrong?" I ask him but he just looks down!

"Can I come in?" I say but he just looks straight to me and I see fear on his eyes or like he is nervous!

I squinted my eyes looking at him suspiciously!

Why is he acting like that?

I walk inside as Daniel closed the door!
I carefully walked deeper into the room and then I saw him!


He had slept with Daniel, Jonah and jack on this room!

I watch him as he fixed his hair!

I looked back to Daniel and I see him with a worried face!

"Who was it Daniel?" Says Zach!

"Uhh...." he begins to say as he looks at me worried!

I just nod letting him know that he can say that it was me!

"It's Mel" he says as we both walk in to the main room where he was at!

He looks at me and rolls his eyes!

He grabs his hair product and walks away to the bathroom slamming the door!

I just look down as Daniel hugs me rubbing my back!

A/N: hello lovelies!

Instagram; @immelissaherron @chipotlezach


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