My blood, to his blood🥀

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"Aj hurry up!" I yell at Aj as I'm still trying to wake up Zach!

He comes running to the room!

Once he sees Zach shaking, sweating with blood all over his eyes widened!

"Aj, h-he isn't waking up" I tell him as a tear falls out of my eye!

"I'm gonna call an Uber! We're leaving" he says as he grabs his phone and calls for a Uber!

"Thanks" says Aj to the phone as he ends the call!

"Okay, Uber will be here in 10 minutes, meanwhile let's get him down the mountain! Hopefully we don't loose h-him" he says avoiding eye contact with me!

"No! Don't say that! He will be fine, he lost many blood but he'll be fine Aj!" I yell at him!

He just nods!

He helps me get Zach out of bed and carry him down the hill!

After a few minutes, we got down and our Uber was waiting for us!

Zach's blood was all over mine and Aj shirt!

The Uber driver immediately came to help us!

We layed Zach's head on my thighs as I kiss him and hold his hand tight!

"Stay strong babe! We're almost there" I whispered to Zach's ear as I give his hand a small squeeze!

We drived through the LA streets until we got to the nearest hospital!

We took him to the emergency room as many nurses came to take him!

Aj and I called the boys and informed them! We also called his parents but since they live in Dallas, they had booked a flight for tomorrow night since they couldn't get one earlier!

We waited in the waiting room for an hour and no doctors came out which was starting to worry me!

Tears were all over my face! Aj pacing back and forths!

Minutes later, the boys and Logan came!

Logan immediately came and hugged me!

"He is gonna be fine" Logan said as he rubbed my back!

Minutes later the doctor finally came!

"Family of Zach Herron!" Said the doctor!

We all got up and walked towards him!

"Zach sadly got infected with something which made his wounds worse! Also he unfortunately lost many blood, and he needs more! At the moment we don't have the blood type that he has and since his family members aren't here, we can't transfer blood until we find someone with his blood" he explains!

I look at him worried as another tear falls down!

"What would happen if we can't find someone with his blood?" Asks Jonah!

"He will probably have to go into comma because he doesn't have enough blood going into his body" he says!

The boys eyes immediately widened!

"Does it matter who donates the blood?" I ask!

"No, no no no Mel don't even think about it" says Logan while looking at me!

inherited traits ✔️ zach herron Where stories live. Discover now