Chapter 1

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It was evening. Warm June wind was blowing through Friendship's streets and parks.
Most of the people were inside their homes, because it was late.
One of the houses had very dim light coming out through one of it's windows. The house was beautiful red color, and the already descending sun shimmered it's warming light across it's wooden wall.
Throught the window you could see a room, it was someone's bedroom. The room had the usual furniture of a normal bedroom: Bed, bookshelf, desk and a chair. But.. something was not right. Someone was laying on the floor, face down. Who was this person? She was Angel.
Slowly, she starts to move. She places her hand on the floor, helping herself to rise and sit up. Shaking her head she looks around her, "Wha.. what happened..?". She tries to stand up, but can't feel her legs. She looks down, and gasps loudly "My legs! Where are they?!?" She starts to panic. She moves backwards, and when she's about to bump into the wall, she doesn't stop there but goes through it. She falls on her back and looks down where her legs used to be, and where now was a ghostly tail. She can't understand what has happened, but slowly gets up and swinging from side to side she floats back to her room, "This is all so weird.. it can't be.. I dun understand..". She looks around her room, searching for some clue of what has happened. Soon she notices small plastic bag, with white powder in it, and next to the bag she sees a blade, "Ohh.. I remember now.. " she remembers, that she was taking a little amount of cocaine, "I must have taken a overdose..". Then she rememberes her sisters, "Dina! Leyla! Oh no!" she quickly flies downstraits of the house to look for her sisters, ending up not finding them. "They must have called an ambulance fa me and went ta tha hospital.. " she sighs.
Looking down to the floor, she slowly floats outside, through the door. The weather has gone for more chillier, and Angel takes a deep breath of the fresh night air. "I can't stay here.." she looks into the night sky, "I gotta find some place ta go ta..". A tear falls from her eye, as she takes the last look at her old home.
She leaves with heavy feelings, and flies into the night.

On the other side of the town, three male ghosts are having a fun night together. They are scaring people or 'fleshies'. The leader is a tall, skinny ghost with shining purple eyes. He's wide smile reveals a line of white teeth and bit of his bright pink gums. Second ghost of the trio, is bit shorter then the leader. He's not as slim as the first ghost, but not fat either. He has clear, yellow eyes and also a wide smile, showing his buckteeth even more. Third ghost is shorter then the two, and a lot rounder as well. He has chubby cheeks and a warm smile, paired with another pair of bright yellow eyes.

They are having a lot of fun, they are laughing and cackling at the fleshies they have scared, and at the puns they keep shooting.
They are heading back home, and keep joking around while flying. The tall ghost turns his head to look back at his friends and doesn't watch where he's headed.

From the other direction Angel is flying forward, trying to find a place to stay at, looking around her. She's so focused on looking around that she can't see the character approaching her from other direction.

Soon the two ghosts bump into eachother, throwing Angel down to the ground. And the tall ghost floating a bit back. He immidiately gets angry at this idiot who has dared to come in his way, "HEY! Ya oughta start looking were ya going there!" he frowns angrily at the other ghost, who slowly gets up from the ground. They flip their long, curly blonde hair out of their face, revealing beautiful light pink eyes, dark lips, and curvy, womanly body. The male ghost straight away goes silent, his eyes widening in shock and surprise. Tha shortest and fattest ghost of the three soon notes, "Stretch, looks like you're yelling at a girl..". The tall ghost, now introduced as Stretch isn't saying a word. He's absolutely mesmerized by the ghouls look. But soon this angelic looking gal starts to yell at the male who bumped into her, without even apologizing, "HOW dare ya.. YE'RE tha one who should look were they're going!!" She places her hands on her hips, giving the male angry look. Stretch shakes his head and plushes for a moment, he then turns around to face the two other male ghosts. "Why didn't you warn me?! You could 'ad told me I was about to bump into someone!" he starts to yell at them, pushing the blame over them instead. The two ghosts look at eachother shrugging and then the bucktoothed one floats bit closer to his taller friend "Maybe YOU should start looking were you're going and not blame us fa everything!" he frowns at the tall ghost who looks at him like he hasn't done anything, and does not even know what the other one is talking about. Stretch crosses his arms and turns around, looking down to the ground "Sorry bout my idiot brothers rude behavior, they oughta learn to warn others, don't they.. " he quickly turns to glance over his two friends, who apparently are his brothers.
Angel swipes wisp of her hair out of her face, and crossing her arms looks into the purple eyes of the tallest male, "It's alright.. I mean.. could had happened ta anyone really." the female shyly answers. Small smile sneaks to Stretch's face, and he decides to introduce himself and his brothers better "As ya might've heard, I'm Stretch, and these two morons are my brothers, Stinkie" he points to the bucktoothed ghost who gives the ghoul a smile as well, "and Fatso" he points to the fat ghost, who floats closer to Angel and shakes her hand with a friendly expression on his face "Nice to meet you". Angel smirks in amusement, "Alright. Well, I'm Angel" she flashes a white smile. "Quite a fitting name" Stinkie implies to his brothers, who nod in agreenment. Stretch decides to see what this ghoul is all about, and tries to make a move on her, "So.. what's a pretty rose like yerself doing out here? And even alone!" He gives her a flirty smirk. She immidiately sees what he's trying, "Oh nice try, I'm not that easy" she teases him. Stretch chuckles "I see.. So I guess we'll be seein' ya around, then?" he looks at Angel with a questioning look on his face, paired with a slight smile. "I hope so" Angel smirks and playfully winks at Stretch, "It wuz nice ta meet y'all but I really gotta go now" she smiles and waves at Stinkie and Fatso, "See yous two too!". Both ghosts wave back at her and with their brother watch the blonde ghoul disappear into the night sky. They continue their journey to home, still eager of their new acquaintance.

After flying for about 45 minutes, Angel sees an old church. It's beautiful, clean white color, and the size of it is breath taking. She dives down, and goes to have a closer look at it. She stops in front of dark brown, wooden doors, and looks around her making sure no one sees her. She slowly pushes her head through the doors, and looks inside the church. "It looks even bigger on tha inside!" she gasps, the chruch is beautiful, several lines of wooden benches are placed on both sides of the church, and a long red carpet has been rolled out in between. The windows are huge, and covered in colorful pictures, creating a rainbow like light inside the church as the moon shines it's light through them. At the end of the chruch Angel sees an altar, it has candels and many decorations along with a podium. The church doesn't look abandoned but it seems as if there hasn't been people for a long time. Soon, she notices stairs, that are kind of hidden behind a corner and floats to see where they'll take her. Angel arrives to a bedroom, "Someone must have been living here.. " she looks around the room. The room has a wide, fluffy looking bed, a closet and a dressing table with a chair in front of it. The place has enchanted Angel, and she decides to clean up a little bit to make the room a place for her to sleep in.

After getting the cleaning done she notices, that the sun has already started to rise. Angel yawns, because all the cleaning has made her very tired. She moves the cover of the bed and lays down, burrying her head into the soft pillow, falling asleep instantly.

The sun continues rising, and soon it's warm light covers the whole Friendships town. People start to come out and go make their shoppings, head to the beach and enjoy the good weather. But the ghosts sleep in, and don't bother to get up too early.

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