Chapter 4

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It was the next morning at Whipstaff manor. The ghosts had spent a lot of time outside, long into the night even after leaving the horse racing arena. The tall, slim ghosts was starting to slowly wake up. Starting to rub his eyes, he finally opens one of them and takes a quick glance around himself. "Wha.. where the hell am I..?" He asks himself quietly before noticing the still sleeping character next to him. All he can see poking out from under the covers, is a bunch of wavy, blonde hair. The character starts to turn around, stretching their body and soon turns to face him. Before opening their eyes, the female yawns deeply and rubs her eyes as well. Stretch goes red, blushing from his tail to the top of his head as he realizes that he's in Angel's room. Angel opens her eyes and first smiles seeing Stretch, closing her eyes again. She jumps to sit up, realizing who is in her bed, "STRETCH?!" She looks shocked, "W-what are ya doing here?!?" she goes all red.
Before getting any words out, he is stopped by a sudden knock on the door. The knock is followed by a buckteeth ghost looking in through the door. Stinkie chuckles as he looks at the two, both looking confused and shocked at the same time. "So.." he starts, "Did yous two.. do.. it?" He grins teasingly as he is about to gesture with his fingers.
Stretch starts gesturing around him, trying to get words out to say no, but can't seem to find any. Angel starts to do the same, "No.. ya see uh.. we.. uh.." she tries to think what happened as they came back home.
Stinkie bursts out laughing, "I'm just kidding.." he smirks, "The breakfast is ready if ye're not too busy up here.. ".
As Stinkie leaves, the two stay there, sitting in silence. The akwardness is clearly in the air between the two ghosts trying to think of the events from last night.

Once they get down to join the others for breakfast, everyone else, except for Kat and Casper are there. "Where's bulbhead?" Stretch asks, taking his seat at the table. "Somewhere out with Kat.." Stinkie says stuffing his face with food. Dr. Harvey lowers his newspaper, "Now that you're all here.. " he starts setting his glasses on better, "How did your night go?" he asks, smiling. Stretch takes a sip of his coffee, landing the cup down to the table, spilling some by accident, "It went.. alright.." he mumbles feeling uneasy. Dr. Harvey nods understandingly, "Stinkie and Fatso said that the night was very interesting, so I was wondering if you would like to discuss it more, in form of a more open therapy session?" He says thoughtfully.
Angel eyes his expressions and actions carefully, while eating her toast, waiting to hear what Stretch says. Stretch scratches the back of his head, "Ehh.. maybe 'nother time..". Dr. Harvey nods understandingly, and continues "And I also wanted to talk to you two about something.." he looks at both Stretch and Angel, as they look at eachother and then at him, "Okay.." Angel says trying to sound as calm as possible. "I went through both of your files and notes I have made during our sessions.." he starts calmly, "and I think the two of you could, give a try to taking some time for yourselves alone and getting to know eachother better. In order to possibly form a relationship." He explains. Stretch's eyes widen in shock, and he starts coughing, "WHAT!?!" he starts beating his chest trying to get his throat clear. Soon he coughs out his spoon. Not long after, a loud bang can be heard as Angel falls to the floor from her chair. Fatso, along with his older brothers and Dr. Harvey looks at Angel, trying to sit up on the floor, "Next ye're gonna say we should get a kid.." she mumbles.
Fatso raises an eyebrow at her, and looks at Stinkie, "What's up with them?" he shrughs. Stinkie chuckles mischievously, "They did.. it.." he starts to cackle uncontrollably. "WE DID NOT!!" Angel jumps up and gestures around her defensively. Soon she gives up and just stares at everyone, slowly sitting back down on her chair.
Dr. Harvey clears his throat, "Now.. these are all natural things, and there is nothing to be embarrased about.." he says in a gentle tone. Stretch glances at him warningly, which makes the human male, right away change the subject.
"For the day, I am free for any of you to join me for a therapy session.I have no appointments today." He explains to them. Stinkie rolls his eyes, "We have better stuff to do.." he blows a cloud of his green, foul breath right into the human males face, making him go greenish from the smell.
Dr. Harvey takes his napkin, and carefully waves it around him, to clear out the air for him to breath better, "And Casper won't be able to cook tonight.." he gets started, before the whole Trio jumps up, "What?! Why not? Where the hell is he gonna be?" Stretch raises an eyebrow showing out clearly, how pissed off he feels. Dr. Harvey stands up ready to leave, "He has a school summer trip today, and it should take whole day." He reminds them, pointing to a paper, taped to the fridge door.
Their faces fall as they notice it, and fall back to their seats. "I.. I could make something tonight..?" Angel offers softly. "Ya would cook for us..?" Stretch looks at her with wide eyes. Angel nods shyly, scratching the back of her head and gently laying her eyes upon each one of the ghost trio. Fatso nods, "I could eat her cookings?" He says looking at his brothers, who nod in agreenment. Dr. Harvey nods proudly, "So it's settled!" He says before walking out of the door, waving after himself, "I'll be in my office.". The ghosts listen, as the males steps slowly start fading out, as he goes further and soon closes his office door.

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