Chapter12- Missing!

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Onew's pov:

"Hey, he's with you when I left you guys",Minho shouted at them.

"Shh, it's a public place", I calmed him down.

"Well,we left him in the way you left us",Key rolled his eyes.

"What are you speaking? I should have took him with me instead",anger sounded in his voice.

"Is he a kid?why are you making it into a deal?", Key rose his voice too.

"It's not time to argue guys, let's find him.Key, go with Jonghyun and Tara,go with Minho. Call me if you find him".

"But.."Key started nagging."SEARCH HIM NOW!", I can't control my temper anymore.He know about Taemin and how could he leave him alone for their 'wanted to be together alone' character?

Taemin's pov:

I'm hooked up with this couple.I felt bad looking at this lovey-dovey couple.I tried to distract myself by gazing at the sea and a statue caught my attention.

"Hyung!look at that",I turned towards them but they're nowhere to be found.I walked there and there is no one.

I have to go to boarding point so that they can find me there. I stood at boarding point.Suddenly a large mob came there on hearing a yacht departure announcement, I guess.They pushed me into the yacht and I can't help but reach the shore.

Crap, I left my bag at bus.I have to search for the bus. I couldn't find it,and guess what!I lost my way.I walked and walked,but no trace of bus.I finally,saw a church and walked into it for some water.

My energy is drowned.I couldn't find any water there. Literally, I'm doomed. I sat on a bench,lying my head on bench in front of me.

A hand touched my shoulder.A lady in mid-age,looked at me worried.She gave me a bottle of water.I drank the water  hurriedly.

"Can I help you?",she asked me in English.

" friends...flight...have to leave at 10 tonight..", I can't help ,tears running out of my eyes.My stomach started growling at the same time.

She smiled,"Hungry? let's go to our house, it's right here",she took me to her house.

"Wait here, I'll get you some food",she left me in the hall. I saw many pictures and art items. Most of the pictures are in black and white. I stopped at an old picture of a gorgeous young lady."That's me",she told me smiling."come have your lunch",she gave me some Indian food.

Rice,sambar and curd. They are so delicious that I ended finishing the whole food.She keeps smile on her face.

"Didn't you have your lunch yet?", I asked her."I had my lunch before coming to church"she is obviously lying.

"Now we have to look for your guardians",she called someone."Hello Rupa, come to home fast, I have found a korean who was lost.You could be a help to us". I can hear a voice of a girl sounds to be nagging at her.

I am such a burden to them. "Please Rupa" she pleased her to come to our house.

"She'll be here in a hour,she is at her work",she smiled at me.Her smile was somehow attractive to me.

We talked about many things.She is very fluent in English.Most of the time ,she speaks and I listen.She told me that her ancestors are leaders for independence of India. She told me stories about independence.

A girl , probably same age as me,came to house.She looked at me."Taemin!",she squealed and hopped there at entrance.

"Amma, I love you love you love you" she hugged her tightly."Taemin,why are you here?where are remaining guys?"

"I lost my way, I have a flight at 12 tonight   ", I am comfortable since she can understand and speak Korean fluently.

She got a call when I'm speaking."Hello"
.."what is the news?"...."what did you find shinee?go to them immediately and tell them that Taemin is with us!"...."I'll explain you later but do it right now" is she speaking with a korean?

I'm finally relieved but a part of me was suspecting something wrong.She got another call "are you guys there? Wait I'll come there with him"she hanged the call.

"Let's go,we have found your team",they both took me to a place.

"Yaa! We are going to kill you if you get lost anymore", Jonghyun hyung shouted at us.

They're with a korean girl.Tara came running and hugged me," sorry Taemin hyung!we shouldn't have tricked you like this!"

"Trick?", Jonghyun hyung and Onew hyung shouted in unison.

" I'll explain later,sorry Taeminah",key patted my shoulder.

"Is she your girlfriend?",Rupa asked me.I saw jealous in her eyes.

"No, she's..",Key interrupted but got stamped by Tara.

"Let's watch sunset!", Minho shouted and we were mesmerised by how sun is going into the sea.

"Shall we have a look over this place?", Lady asked us. It reads "Gandhi memorial". She got emotional,when we went inside the building, by looking at old pictures.Rupa pointed at a person in the painting, "He is father of amma"and she walked around the place.

We went for an aquarium and then for shopping. Items are very cheap there and we have best time there.We took a selfie and waved good bye to them.

Our trip to India is finished!!

Here's a picture of sambar:

And curd rice:

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