donuts and coffee

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At around four o'clock, I went out to get some breakfast. I walked two blocks, barefoot, to a twenty-four hour restaurant to get donuts and coffee.

When I walked inside, the guy behind the counter smirked at me, knowingly. "One night stand?" He asked after I ordered.

I shook my head, chuckling slightly. "You have no idea." He looked at me curiously but just took my order.

I walked back to the bookstore with breakfast and entered quietly. I checked the time on the clock above the desk. It was only about five. I set the donuts and her coffee on the desk, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

I took a sip of my coffee and went outside to sit down on the sidewalk; my back against the brick of the building. I brought a cigarette to my lips and lit it. The sun would be rising soon. I realized that I probably looked like a bum. I looked around; there was nobody to see me. As if I cared if they did anyway. I breathed in the chemicals and released them from my lungs with one long puff of smoke.

I watched the cigarette burn as I sipped my coffee, observing the deserted street. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled out my phone to see who had texted me. It was Jill. She was just checking in on me; She does that after Chris' parties because I often times end up asleep and severely hungover on her front lawn (just kidding about that, only the severely hungover part is true). The text said:

"Hey, just checking in to see if you're still alive after another one of Chris' parties."

I chuckled a bit and texted back:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just a bit hungover."

The hungover part was mostly a lie; I didn't drink much the night before.

A few minutes later, I received another text, again from Jill:

"Also, Jared and I are going to the movies later tonight. You in?"

I texted back:

"Actually, I might have plans."

Jared and Jill were two of my favorite people to hang out with, but it got kind of third wheel-ish for me when they started dating a few months ago.

I got a very quick response from Jill:

"Oooh! With who?? ;)"

I laughed because I could see the smirk on her face as she sent that text, then I locked my phone. I figured that I didn't want to tell anybody about Kate until I talked to her this morning.

After taking one last drag, I threw the cigarette butt into the empty road and went back inside. I set my phone and empty coffee cup on the front desk and grabbed the donuts, along with Kate's coffee. I checked the clock again. Five twenty-seven.

I walked up the stairs and to the compact sitting area. I set the things that I was holding on a small table with an antique lamp on it.

Kate was still fast asleep. I knelt down and nudged her softly. She groaned and turned onto her side, so that her back was facing me.

"I got food," I whispered to her.

"That's extremely seductive," She replied. I could tell that she was tired. "Tell me more about that."

I laughed. "I got donuts and coffee."

"Carter, you're talking dirty to me," She said as she turned back to me. She closed her eyes tightly then opened them again, revealing the gorgeous caramel color that appeared whenever the lighting was right. She took my hand and played with my fingers. "What kind of donuts?"

I smiled. "Glazed and chocolate." I grabbed the bag and handed it to her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is getting explicit." She smiled as she sat up slowly, groggily. She opened the bag and pulled out a glazed donut. "By the way, good morning."

I grinned as I lay on the floor. "Good morning."

She took a bite of the donut. "Oh wow," She said. "This donut is a gift from God," She exclaimed.

I started to laugh. "You sound like you haven't had a donut since Before Christ."

"Damn straight I haven't," She said as she took another bite.

I smiled and stared at the ceiling. I was quite comfortable on the floor, but I was probably pretty tired because I don't remember much until Kate practically jumped on top of me with the enthusiasm of a child.

"Thank you for the Godly donuts," She said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Any time," I whispered.

She smiled and lightly pecked me on the lips. I got up from the floor, and helped her up as well. She smoothed her shirt down. "Do I look presentable?" She asked jokingly.

"Well," I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "You look way better than me." She grinned as she took my hand and turned to walk down to the first level.

I looked around the store as I followed her. "So, last night was kind of crazy," I said.

She laughed. "Yeah, just a little." She smiled slightly as she sat on the stool behind the desk. "I guess I should probably give you my number."

I smirked at her and leaned across the desk. "No, I don't think that's necessary. This was obviously just a one time thing," I joked.

She hit my arm as she giggled. "That's not funny."

I smiled at her. "But I guess I should get your number -- you know, in case I want to meet up with you or something like that," I teased.

"Oh, should I count on that?" She asked as she scribbled her number on a sticky note and handed it to me.

"I don't know," I shrugged as I entered the number into my contacts. "Hey, I need a picture for your contact."

She shook her head as I showed her the space where her picture should've been. "Oh, no you don't. See? It's optional."

"Fine," I said. "I guess I'll just stick a picture of Danny DeVito in there instead."

She laughed. "Whatever you want. I don't care."

I looked around the shop. "Do you mind if I write here?"

She shrugged. "Sure. I will warn you, though, that it's super boring."

"It can't be boring; I'm here."

"Watch the ego," She warned.

"I guess I'm gonna go back to my apartment and grab my laptop," I said.

"You probably want to take a shower, too," She replied teasingly.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you want me to get anything from your place?" I asked.

She shook her head. "And have you look through my collection of Michael Bublé CDs? No way," She joked.

I chuckled. "Is that what you get it on to? If so, we're going to have a bit of an issue."

"Did I say that I wanted to get it on with you?" She retorted with a smirk.

"Touché," I replied as I walked outside and lit up another cigarette.

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