Chapter 3 The Investigation Begins

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(Warning note: this chapter contains gruesome details of multiple rapes and murders)

Hardy and Lord walked into the station to find DC Martin at the front desk. His natural inclination toward worry notched up a level. The whole place was too quiet, no officers tramping up and down the stairs, no citizens arguing with Bob in the lobby.

"Martin, what are you doing on the front desk and where is everyone else?"

"Sir, I'm holding the fort, Constables Dyer and Syal are on traffic patrol and the other Constables are at the crime scene."

Hardy arched his eyebrows and shook his head and started through the inner door when he turned back to Martin. "What about the others upstairs?"

Martin took a minute to look at a sheet of paper then said "Vickie and Charlie are at the Promenade Stop and GO picking up a couple of shoplifters. Jim is in communications and Will is upstairs as the backup for everyone."

His worry dropped a level, his expression gruff, he smiled inwardly. Hardy thought, even when everything has gone to shite, my team, is working well,

"Well done Martin," he said nonchalantly then glanced at Jenny, "Lord go on upstairs and find me an expert for the graffiti. I'm going to check on White in communications."

Hardy walked down the hall to the communications center. DC James White was answering calls and radio communications. "How is it going, White? I will get you some help when I can."

"Keeping everything going, Sir. I understand the situation. There has been a large volume of calls from the public wanting to know what is going on at the crime scene. Brian is sending a van full of evidence in for later investigation, he also says he may be able to send the bodies to the morgue at noon."

"Well done White. keep me updated."

Hardy turned to go upstairs when he heard Jim White say, "Sir, I just want to get out there and get the bastard who did this."

Hardy turned and looked him straight in the eyes and said: "You will, We all will."

Upstairs Hardy saw both Jenny and DC Will McDonald on their computers, he walked over to Will's desk. "McDonald, what are you working on?"

"I'm going over all the reports we received over the holiday. Maybe something was seen or heard that might connect."

"Good, that is good, let me know if you find anything."

Hardy looked over at Lord on the phone then walked into his office and closed the door for the call he didn't want to make, informing the Chief Supervisor of the Southwest District. He needed more personal and lots of overtime pay to crack this case. Fortunately, Supervisor Desai was a good friend and with her having been the DCI here in Broadchurch, she knew the resources he had.

Jenny knocked on Hardy's door and walked in just as he was hanging up the phone.

"Sir, I found an expert on ancient languages and theology. He is Professor Martin Goldberg at the University of Exeter in Devon, and had been a profiler for Scotland Yard on religious crimes."

Hardy groaned at the mention of Scotland Yard, no local cop liked the idea of the Yard coming in and taking over an investigation.

Jenny went on, "I sent him the photos from my phone, but he said they were not clear enough to give an accurate reading. He wants to know if we can come up tomorrow between 8 and 9 AM and meet with him with better photos?"

Hardy exploded "Bloody hell, Lord, that's bollocks, all he wants is for us to come so he can give us a profile?"

Jenny let her temper get away from her and yelled back " I know that Sir, but what is wrong with that. A good profile might help us catch this swine before he kills again."

Detective Constable Jenny Lord - Wessex PoliceWhere stories live. Discover now