Chapter 4 Working the Case

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Hardy walked into the controlled chaos of the squad room still worried about Jenny's mindset. Maybe he was wrong having her at the autopsy report, but if she was to progress as an officer and his assistant, she would have to toughen up.

Ellie turned from the whiteboard where she had been directing updated information.

"Sir, the meeting went well, teams are reporting in on the door to door. No information yet on the movement of the women between Thursday and Monday Morning. We did find their car and I am having it brought in for Brian to search."

"Miller. We need to find out about their specific movements on Thursday. Come into my office, I want to talk about something."

Ellie watched Hardy go into his office and before following, she turned to Jenny. "Jenny how did you trip go to Devon with Mr. Personality."

Jenny not looking up mumbled, "ok," and started her computer. Ellie stood for a minute confused at Jenny's quiet controlled manner.

"What the bloody hell did you do to Jenny on that trip to Devon," she said when she walked into Hardy's office. "She is sitting out there like a robot. I won't let you run her off like all the others, she is too good."

"Retract your claws, Miller. I did nothing to her. That is what I wanted to talk to you about. The autopsies are done and she has been like that since we got the report."

Ellie sat down on the couch, took a few breaths and steeled herself for the details. "That bad, but how did Doctor Bater finish so soon?"

Hardy printed out the autopsy report and handed it to Ellie. "He had extra help, His father, and brother."

While reading the report, Ellie replied. "I remember the elder Doctor Baxter, he was coroner when I started with the department and I went to primary school with Jason."

Ellie finished reading and looked up with horror in her eyes. "Jesus, Alec, I knew what happen to those women was unthinkable but this was just evil and deplorable. No wonder Jenny is so upset. Sorry for blaming you."

"With almost twenty-seven-years on the job, I have never seen the like. As for Lord, I think something else is going on besides the report, not sure what? She went to the loo at the end of the report and when she came out, she was shaking with fear."

"Fear of what?'

"I don't know, but it was there in her eyes. I want you to talk to her, get her to open up because you know I am not good with any of that stuff."

"You can say that again, You are shite with being the concerned boss. I'll take her aside and speak with her. Now as for the coroner's report, I recommend giving everyone a copy instead of posting on the board, might make it easier."

Hardy nodded yes and Ellie left the office and went over to Katie. "Make sure everyone has a copy of this report but do not post on the board, I'll be back in a while. Jenny, follow me."

Ellie led Jenny down the stairs and out of the station and across the road to the kiosk stand, where she bought two 99's and then headed for a nearby bench. She sat down and held a cone out to Jenny.

"Now eat your 99 and tell me what happen in the loo at the autopsy?" she asked when Jenny joined her.

Jenny sat there, gazing out at the sea until Ellie nudged her and pointed to the cone.

Sitting there, licking her ice cream cone, Jenny wondered how to begin. It all came out in a gush.

"Ellie, I went in to splash some water on my face, take a couple of deep breaths and process all the awful things I'd heard in the autopsy. I looked into the mirror and..." Her expression darkened, "I heard this voice. In my head, saying these truly dark malignant things. It scared me. What shook me, even more, is -- I have heard that voice before but not from anyone I know. Does that make any sense?"

Detective Constable Jenny Lord - Wessex PoliceWhere stories live. Discover now