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Ebony's new home☝


Today is Saturday and it is hot outside since summer is just ending and the new school year is beginning. My name is Ebony Knight and I am 17 years old. I have naturally blonde hair with dark roots and almost slanted blue eyes and a small rounded oval shape face my skin tone has a warm tone to it and gives me the feel that I am mixed and that I am, I'm mixed with French, Native American and of course African. I'm also only 5'4 so I'm short.

Tomorrow will be my first day at a new academy I had to move away because of an incident, that I never want to relive again. I used to live in New York but we moved to Washington since this is where some old friends and family are and we did use to live here but because of my mom being well her and my dad getting a promotion that he couldn't turn down we moved to New York.

At my old academy, back in New York, I was extremely popular but was also very mean which is part of the reason I moved here since we moved here I have promised myself and my dad that I would do better than what I did at my last academy. I was also known for my amazing fashion designs since I'm a designer and have been since I was fourteen.

My dad has been wanting to move for a while anyways this has made it a lot easier for him knowing I wouldn't put up a fight about staying there with my "friends". They were all just as fake as I used to be but I realized that who I am when I'm around my dad is the best person to be around other people.

We had all of our clothes, shoes, and jewels moved here. Dad didn't want any of our old items like the furniture and appliances in this new home so instead he used all of it to give a home to three homeless families, they were so happy and I loved seeing how happy they were that they finally had a roof over their head.

Right now I'm in my new room unpacking and packing clothes that I can keep here and the rest I can take with me to the academy where I will be going to school. The academy is where you go to school and live there so almost like college and you live in a dorm room with or without a roommate.

Dad wanted me to live in an apartment near the school instead of in the dorm on campus but I kept insisting that he let me live in one of the dorm rooms. He finally agreed but said that he wanted to arrange everything for my dorm, I agreed because I know it will come out looking amazing since I get my worldwide, loved by all designing skills from him. I also got most of my looks from him which I am thankful for.

I know you have probably been wondering why I talk about my dad so much but not once about my mom. Well here you go she is a piece of donkey butt that is an ungrateful, gold-digging life giver.

Sorry for those unkind words but that is as bad as it gets I never curse my father taught me that a real lady never curses. Dad has been there for me through everything. He has always tried his hardest with me so that's why I want to try my hardest for him to see me succeed in life.

After placing my last article of clothing in my suitcase for the academy and my other article of clothing in a pile for clothes that can stay or go to charity, I start to get hungry.

"Time to eat sweetie, come down for dinner," my dad says through the intercom that's on the wall next to my door.

Standing up from the hardwood floor that's been covered by my second favorite white fur rug, I look down at my apparel that consists of a teal oversized hoodie and short-shorts that have been covered by the hoodie and was satisfied with it.

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