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A Day in the Life of Vincent (*Surprise*)

While Ebony and Spencer had disappeared I had been still at work so I didn't get back until late. So when I walked in Han and Sebastian were in a worried state.

I usually get back in he middle of the night but Spencer doesn't like to stay out late and Ebony went with Spencer so they would have to come back together. They told me how they had already call Spencer's parents who said he was probably at party since he was with them which we knew wasn't true. So we all called them over and over and no one answered even called Ebony's phone and got no replies.

Ebony is a famous fashion designer so unless you've worked with her or seen her on the red carpet you probably wouldn't know what she looked like, but she is still very known. After pacing back and forth we finally got a phone call from them to Han and he put them on speaker. They said they would explain when they get home but they were at Ebony's company the whole time.

They explained what happen and even though there were some parts I didn't understand Sebastian did and he acted like it was a really big deal so I went with it but Spencer was still punished in the end. Spencer took his beating and Ebony was to be reprimanded but Spencer stole her before we could start and ran upstairs with her. We went to our rooms and I took a shower before going straight to bed. Going from one long day to another was already too much.

The next day I went to school for half the day then to work, most of my credits have already been taken care of so I only need to finish a few more courses. At work I work as a department head. People know who I am a and kiss up to me if they want something, then there are people who don't care who I am do try to make my job harder, we also have the one who treat me as they should as a boss and his subordinates.

My dad is still the owner and CEO for our company and he wants me to focus on my studies. So he assigned me a good position to my studies and work will be even and not to overloaded. I don't see my dad much when I'm working but my mom who works as his second secretary will sometimes visit me.

Today I was in my office coming up with the next project my team would be doing when my mom walked in.

"Hey honey, you working hard?" She asks as she sits in a chair in front of my desk.

"Yeah I'm coming up with a new project idea that I'll have to turn into dad later," she nods thinking. "Oh mom."

"Yeah?" Mom wondered. My mom is a very kind and protective person she also has a head for fashion and reprimanded me daily if she didn't like what I wore to a extent she basically redid my whole closet one time. She has hazel eyes and her hair is a a curly texture that lean more towards curls then waves. She has brown hair and she is really beautiful.

"Are you the one that recommended dad to work with Knight Wears as a collaboration?" I ask.

"Wait how did you know about that she hasn't even talked to your father about that and I know your father never told you," she crossed her legs and looked at me suspiciously.

"Well she asked if it was me that proposed the idea?" I said.

"Wait... she who?" I never told my parents about Ebony staying with us cause they would go into a fit about a girl in a house of guys and it's not like she'll be there long.

"Ms. Knight," I answer and my moms eyes go wide.

"When have you seen her?! Doesn't she live in New York?!?" Mom stood from her seat and slapped her hands in the desk completely enthralled.

"She goes to my school now and she is best friends with Spencer so we see her a lot," mom places my face her hands gently.

"So you mean to say my favorite fashion designer is going to your school, you see her almost every day, she's BEST friends with Spencer and you STILL didn't tell me?!" She was squeezing my face.

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