Brandon Bradie

113 4 14

        After glancing at the time, I walked through the hallways looking for Annabeth. I walked over to the cafeteria, hoping I wouldn't chicken out. Looking over the crowd of people surrounding some guy, I saw her sitting near a trash can and reading a book.

        "Hey Annabeth!" I jogged over, "Are you going to the dance?"

        She looked up before swiping a loose piece of her golden hair behind an ear, "Maybe. No one's asked me either so I don't have to go anyways. Why do you ask?"

       I suddenly wished that my brown hair was longer, so that I could hide behind it, "D-do you want to go with me?"

       She grinned, "Sure! It'd be nice to go with a friend!"

        I internally winced at the word friend, but it was too late to correct her after she started speaking again, "I go alone to stuff like this because guys who ask me, just want to date me. They don't seem to understand that i'm not interested. It'll be nice to go with someone as a friend for once. Plus, i'll get to know you better! I don't really know everyone as well as I would like."

        I faked a grin and hoped she didn't see my hurt, "Well, that's great!"

        I slid into the seat across from her and watched as she flipped a page in her book. It started to feel awkward when she suddenly looked up.

        "You have nice eyes," I blurted.

        "Thanks, I think your eyes are cool," she said.

        My cheeks felt hot as I processed what she said. No one ever told me that my eyes were cool, they were just a normal blue. With my brown hair and blue eyes, I could fit into the crowd pretty easily.


        She grinned, "You're welcome."

------------9 and a half hours later------------

        I was standing outside of Annabeth's apartment. I reached out and pressed the doorbell. I had only been over once, and I was amazed to know that we had been the only people there because she said she only had a flatmate, her parents lived somewhere else.

        "Coming!" I heard a masculine voice, maybe it was her flatmate's boyfriend?

        As far as I knew, she didn't have a boyfriend. She would reject people using that excuse, but stopped insisting she had boyfriend to me and her other friends after a while.

        The door swung open and I slowly looked up to see a ripped dude with a good tan, messy black hair and exotic green eyes looking down at me. His t-shirt just showed off the muscles bulging from his arms.

        "Um, h-hi," I stammered, "I'm here to take Annabeth to the dance?"

       I winced at the crack at the end of my sentence, the dude grinned down at me, "It's cool dude. You must be Brandon. Annabeth's friend right? Well, she talks about you a lot. About how reliable you are, and how you're the only boy she can talk to who doesn't flirt with her in school. She's always saying stuff about you being the only one who she considers okay to talk to."

        I nodded, dumbfounded, as he continued, "It makes me kind of jealous the way she talks about you. If not for that rule about no non-students allowed to your school, I totally would have gone with her. But, since you seem pretty cool, you're the next best thing."

        He grinned at me, showing off his white teeth, "No offense or anything."

        Is this peacocking?

        But Annabeth wasn't here, and her flatmate wasn't here, plus, he wasn't showing anything no?

        "It's okay dude," he opened the door and shook my hand at the same time, "I'm Percy. Chillax, and come on in."

        I walked in a looked around, it was pretty clean. Last time I wasn't able to look around as much. Then I realized something.

        "There's only one bedroom?"

        Percy looked down at me -he was really tall, "Yeah...didn't Annabeth tell you? We both have..."

        "What do you call it?" he nervously rubbed his neck before snapping, "Yeah! PTSD. We sleep in the same bed. But we don't, we don't anything thing."

        He was blushing as he said the last part, but I was shocked, "Wait! Back up a minute, you're Annabeth's flatmate?! And you guys sleep in the same bed? And both of your parents are okay with it?"

        "Yeah. They trust me. I'm Annabeth's boyfriend," he cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled to the green-gray bedroom door, "WISE GIRL! Brandon's here to take you to the dance!"

        "COMING SEAWEED BRAIN!" The door swung open showing Annabeth in a blue-green dress that was the same color as Percy's eyes.

        It had long sleeves and fell below her knees and she had converse shoes underneath.

        She looked beautiful.

        "Hey Annabeth," I blushed as I built up my courage to say my next sentence, "You look really good."

        "Thanks," She turned to Percy, "Okay Percy, don't use the stove or oven, you can invite the seven, Nico and Reyna over, but that's it. Last time you invited Dakota you all were drunk on Kool-Aid and you and Leo were singing that you set fire to the rain as you drenched the bathroom and he set his hair on fire."

        "What?" I interjected, "How did that happen?"

        Percy looked at me, "Well, we drank too much Kool-Aid, Leo was clumsy with hi-some matches, and I didn't turn off the sink."


        Percy hugged Annabeth and kissed her, "See ya' later Wise Girl!"

        He walked us to the door and all of a sudden we were standing outside minus Percy. We stood there for a second before going down to my dad's car.

        I didn't feel heartbroken or anything and during the dance I met my current Fiancé; Cassie Simons.

        Hope you liked this! Comment to give me inspiration for more chapters!

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