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        Hope you enjoy!

Jason POV:

        I settled down next to Leo in the Zeus cabin. We looked up to see Percy walking in, with a goofy smile and a hand at his cheek.

        He sat down slowly as if trying to process something when Leo broke our comfortable silence, "So....Percy? Got anything to tell us?"

        Percy reddened, "Annabeth kissed me goodnight."

        Leo laughed, "Doesn't she do that every night?"

        Percy looked down as his face became even brighter, "Yeah."

        I cut in, "Okay guys, let's get started. Leo, didn't you say you wanted a boy's night out?"

        Frank shifted uncomfortably, "So, what are we doing?"

        "We can play truth or dare!" Nico's eyes lit up, "Hazel told me about playing it with Piper and Annabeth."

        I always felt bad for Nico, so seeing him like a little kid was... endearing, "Sure Nico."

        Leo looked disappointed and tried to interject but I kicked him, he grinned nervously, "Truth or dare it is!"

        We sat in an oval like shape before Leo frowned, "Come on you guys! I don't do everything half bronzed! We gotta' get into a circle."

        We shifted into a circle before Leo asked Frank, "Truth or dare?"

        Frank looked at him nervously, "Truth."

         Leo grinned evilly, "If you couldn't date Hazel, which one of our girlfriend's would you date? Excluding Calypso of course, because she's the best."

        Frank blushed, "I don't know. Maybe Annabeth? She's really nice and she helped me a lot while we were on the Argo..."

        Percy grinned, making Frank relax, "No biggie dude. I know she's the best. Leo was worried you wouldn't pick Calypso so he made her excluded. Besides, you wouldn't ever date Annabeth in real life. I know that."

        Leo straightened up, "Hey! Calypso is the best!"

        Percy rolled his eyes as we burst into laughter, "Sure."

        Frank turned to Nico, "Truth or dare?"

        Nico looked at him excitedly and his eyes shone, but to people who didn't know him like Reyna and I, you couldn't tell, "Dare!"

        Frank looked at us at a loss, "I don't know guys. Can I have some help?"

        I grinned on the inside, I knew exactly what Nico deserved as a dare, "I have a great one! Nico, why don't you go up to Will and kiss him-"

        "Ok!" Nico shouted, springing to his feet, "That's easy! He's already my boyfriend anyway."

        "I'm not done yet," Nico stood uncertainly in front of the door, "After you kiss him, you need to tell him you want to break up with him. Stay with him for five minutes while he freaks out before telling him it was a dare. Then you can invite him to play if you want."

        Nico looked worried, and before he could protest I cut in once more, "We'll be following you to make sure you do it, and maybe instead of five minutes.... you can wait two minutes instead."

        All the guys agreed and we followed Nico. We saw Will burst into tears, and cling onto Nico's leg like a little kid. But the best part was definitely when Mr. D stepped out of the big house and just stared at them.

        When Will calmed down, and stopped threatening to murder us -after I reminded him that doctors have a oath to not hurt people- we trooped back to my cabin. We settled down before Nico looked at me evilly.

        "Truth or dare?"

        I knew that if I said truth, he would try and get me to say something embarrassing that happened to me. And he wasn't expecting me to say dare, so he wouldn't have a good one planned for everyone her like Leo and I did. Leo made sure to remind me to plan something.


        Nico looked surprised before smiling once more, while others leaned away from him, Will hugged him and whispered, "You look hot when you're plotting stuff."

        Nico blushed before speaking, "S-shut up Will! I hate you."

        Will laughed and kissed him on the nose, "Sure you do. Now come on sunshine!"

        Nico and Leo scowled at the same time, "While I appreciate the fact that you use my exceedingly awesome nickname for Calypso, would you get a move on?!"

        Nico and Will rolled their eyes at the same time, "Sure. Anyways, Jason."

        Nico turned to me once more, "I dare you to make out with The Bricks."

        I frowned, "What's the bricks?"

        Nico reached under my bunk bed before pulling out two bricks, "These two bricks loved you so much that they flew into your face. I saved them for you."

        Leo scrambled backwards, "That's just creepy!"

        Nico seemed to appreciate my shocked face, "It's just so sentimental don't you think? Now, you have to make out with each of them for one minute each."

        "Fine," I sighed, grabbing them, "Here we g-"

        Percy had reached across and shoved one of the brick's into my mouth. Glaring at him, I started kissing it.

        The moment I started kissing it, I imagined it was Piper, and I did the same with the other one, but it was hard to concentrate on 'making out' with Leo shouting, "Kiss it like you mean it! Hot dam! Give me some of that sugar baby!"

        The moment I was done with kissing them, I glared at Leo as well. I still didn't understand why Percy, Thalia, Grover and Annabeth shared that with him. They said that they 'needed another person' for the joke to work.

        Leo started dancing around singing after truth or dare.

        At one point, he was jumping on one of the spare beds and singing, "When I walk into camp this is what I see! Demigods stop, and they're staring at me! I'm on fire and I ain't afraid to show it, show it! I'm-"

        We didn't get to hear what he said as Percy cut in, "I'm Persassy and I know it!"

        Percy pushed Leo off the bed and started jumping, "I'M PERSASSIUS JACKSASSON! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

        Leo stood up and brushed some dirt off his shoulder before speaking in a british accent, "Cheerio mate! Did I just hear you say you're a jack a*s? And you referenced Lord of the Rings. Not cool mate, not cool at all."

        We spent the rest of the evening listening to Leo saying cheesy jokes like, "How many gods does it take to screw a lightbulb and then break it? Zeus! He does it for no money, and then Hera will destroy it!"

        Luckily, with some extra praying from me, he was not killed.

        Hope you enjoyed! Any suggestions for the next chapter's ship? I'm in #617 or something for Hinny so should I do that next? Also, sorry if I didn't do this earlier, but these are one-shots. So they're stand alone. Not connected in any way unless I say it is.

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