Harry Potter- Baby Style

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Okay, so, what if Harry went to Hogswart Preschool for Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Imagine them there.

Harry, Ron and Draco would be in bibs, crying because they stole eachother's binky's. Hermione would be in a high chair next to them and yelling because Ron was drinking his milk improperly, while Draco hid his smirk in his [silver] bib.

During the 'school year' Harry would be an accident prone baby- getting the Sorcerer's binky, finding the Potty of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner from Time Out [Sirius was there for a LONG time], getting involved with the Order of the Gerber foods, finding the Half-Blood Prince's worksheets.

He'd have the bottle of Gryffindor from the Sorting Backpack.

He'd participate in the Tribaby Tournament, fighting the Hungry Horntail, going into the Black Baby Pool to fight the Mermaids and finally going into the Hedge Play Area to get the Triwizard Sippy Cup.

He would have to find the Teething Hallows- the Elder Bottle [gives endless milk], Blanket of Invisibility, and the Resurrection Binky.

Hogsmeade has Madam Puddingfoot's tea shop with Honeyjukes and the Hogwarts Choo Choo train. We have the Hogsbutt bar which serves Buttermilk.

Wafer Frogs [chocolate is too hard to chew], Acid Binky's, TONS OF FOOD.

Plus, Hedwig -his stuffed owl & Dumbledoor!

You can't forget Voldyshorts or his Meth-eaters who try to corrupt students.

I think it sounds cute, just saying.

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