Callie Mason

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        I walked with Percy to class. I mean, I hadn't expected him to sit with me, the outcast, because I thought he was pretty cute, cute enough to join the skateboard group. I know a couple girls find him 'handsome' and all that but, I like him a lot. I love his eyes, and his scruffy skater boy look is good with me. I've been giving him hints, but I still haven't got the courage to ask him out or anything.

        I daydreamed throughout class; and all of it was about where Percy finally got the hint and asked me out.

        The bell rang through the silence of our 'angelic and studying' heads, causing people to look up from their Netflix shows. I waited by the door as Percy got his stuff and thought about the FroYummy store we were going to later. We were going by ourselves so I hoped he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend.

        "You ready Percy?"

        He frowned instead grinning, "I need some advice Cass."


        "It's pretty important," he looked up at me now, his cheeks were bright red, "It's romantic advice."

        My heart soared and dropped at the same time. Was he asking me out? Or did he want advice to ask another girl out?

        "Sure," I stammered.

         "Thanks," his smile brightened, "So, there's this girl I like a lot. And, i've known her for a while. We've went to places by ourselves but they weren't really dates because they were all ruined by people crashing them. We also haven't gone out together in a long time."

        Was it me? I mean, we have been places by ourselves, we've known each other for almost a year now, and people kept bothering us wherever we went. Like that popcorn throwing dude at the Spongebob movie. And, we haven't gone anywhere in a couple months. I hoped against hope that it was me.

        "You should just ask her out. Take her someplace private and kiss her. Then ask her to go out with you. It's pretty simply Percy."

        He let out a long breath, "You're right. I shouldn't have panicked. Thanks Callie! Also...that girl I was talking about...i'm asking her out today because she isn't going to be here for long, so is it okay if I take a raincheck on us hanging out?"

        My heart dropped and I had to hold back my tears, "O-okay. It's fine."

        He beamed, making my stomach twist, "Thanks Callie! You're the best!"

        He hugged me before bounding out of the classroom. Leaving me inside, with tears pouring down my face.

        I speed walked out just in time to see a blond girl run to Percy. He kissed her and spoke; probably asking her out. She laughed and they walked away hand in hand.

        A couple months later, Percy was expelled.

        I saw him today though. All grown up. I almost went over to say hello before I saw that same blond girl with him and a little girl who looked like him. And even though I had gotten over him, I was too embarrassed about my old crush on him.

        I felt like the blond knew, because when I stepped out, looking over my shoulder, I could have sworn that one of her grey eyes winked at me.

        How was that? I'm sorry about it being short but I thought the ending was bittersweet. As he was Callie's first crush, but she felt like Annabeth knew that. I hope you guys got that Leo was clumsy with his powers [that's what Percy was going to say], and that Percy and Annabeth were always interrupted on the few dates they went on by monsters, I mean... come on! That's like the main course and dessert just walking around! And they hadn't gone out in a while because of Tartarus and all that. I'm doing a Brason next, so...enjoy!

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