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There's not enough EngWal in the world... Anyway... Here we go:

~No pov

Suddenly the plane shook and Arthur jumped awake with a loud gasp of fear into the darkness.

"Shhh... It's... Aaaaaahh... It's just a turbulence, you're fine..." Dylan yawned and stretched before placing an arm back around Arthur who was shaking in horror. Noticing this Dylan started stroking his messy blond hair, trying to get him to calm down. Just as he stared to calm another turbulence hit the plane and Arthur let out a muffled sob.

Dylan hated seeing his Artie like this so did what he always did. He lifted Arthur up and shuffled along into his seat then pulled him onto his lap, putting his arms around Arthur who just sank into the comforting heat. He carried on stroking his hair reassuringly and whispering sweet comforting words in his ear, blushing slightly.

Luckily most people were still sleeping, including Allistor and Connor. For if they were awake, they would have just made fun of poor Arthur, like they always did.

Dylan placed a kiss on Arthur's forehead; and they just sat there, Arthur in his embrace. Eyes shut tight, breathing quickly and some tears escaping his eyes. "Shhh, it's okay Artie, poppet. I've got you... Focus on matching our breathing." Dylan whispered, rocking them slightly, like he would when they were children, when he was Arthur's mother figure.

Arthur listed to Dylan's breathing, felt how he went up and down against Dylan's chest and matched it to his own. Once he was calmer and breathing normally they just listed to each others heartbeat. Arthur didn't know for how long he was surrounded by Dylan's warmth. It felt like forever.

After awhile Arthur finally grasped the fact that he was being held like a child in his older brothers arms, and jumped off his lap blushing, "What do you think your doing?! B-bloody wank-ker...", Dylan chuckled happy to see his brother back to normal, and shuffled back to his seat.

When they were back sitting in their seats, they heard the 'ping' of the assistance/help button from infront of Dylan.

An air hostess swiftly made her way to the light. "How may I help you?" She asked irritably, "Can you tell the two gays behind me to keep it down? I'm still trying to sleep and their making a racket." A rough Irish voice groaned. Both Arthur and Dylan started blushing as the air hostess turned to look at them, before walking off.

Connor started chuckling maliciously and turned around to look at the blushing pair, "Gooood morning you two! Have a good sleep? Coz I did until you two decided to wake me up!" He stated glaring at them, "I-it's no-t our fault..." The welshman responded shrinking under the glair. "Exactly!" Arthur said backing up his brother (he was actually really great full towards him) a bit too loudly receiving looks from people all around. "Oi! Don't wake up the Scotty! He's really grumpy if he's woken up when he's not ready!" Connor whispered frantically, sending a nervous glance to Allistor sleeping next to him. He had his arms crossed again his chest as his back lay against the side, he had a look on his face that said 'You dare f*ckn wake me and you'll never wake up again!' his red hair looked like fire, still very noticeable in the dark, he had his shoes off and legs slightly parted, all features sharp and threatening. Rather handsome really.

The three men decided it would be best to sleep a bit longer...

When Arthur woke for the second time it was to the thunderous booming of Allistor's voice screaming "WHAT THE F*UCK DO YOU MEAN I'VE GOT TO WAIT TILL 9 FOR MY COFFEE!!! THAT'S JUST F*CKN BULLSH*T!!! I'LL TEAR THIS PLANE TO PIECES IF I DON'T GET MY COFFEE!!! I F*CKN DARE YOU WOMAN!!! GIVE ME MY COFFEE!!!" at a poor air hostess who was trying to calm him down, Arthur sighed and just watched the scene play out along with Dylan and Connor for they knew there was no stopping him. Allistor looked extra scary in the morning, his hair standing up, making it look like his head was on fire, eyes dark and threatening with a hunger for coffee, mouth curling into a humourless smile, the Loch Ness Monster in him has awoken and he won't stop until he gets a coffee.

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