Chapter XXIV

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The next morning, Bucky found Steve and Grace just as they were when they fell asleep in the recliner

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The next morning, Bucky found Steve and Grace just as they were when they fell asleep in the recliner. Early morning sunlight beamed in through the windows, softly illuminating the sleeping figures. Bucky felt a small smile spread across his face at the scene. He carefully eased over and gently shook Steve's shoulder to wake him.

"You coming on our run this morning?" he whispered.

"Yeah, give me a minute." Steve hated to disturb Grace since she was sleeping so peacefully, but he knew there was no way he could get up without waking her. "Grace...Grace," he said softly, stroking her sleep-mussed curls back from her face. She stirred with a little groan, which Bucky found oddly adorable, before tugging the blanket more firmly around her shoulders and tightening her hold on Steve. Steve chuckled as he gently loosened her grip on his shirt.

"Nein..." she mumbled, hiding her face in her brother's chest.

"Gracie, I'm just going for a run; Bucky and I will be back soon, okay?" Steve said, slipping away and standing. "Let me change, and I'll be ready." He quickly went into his room to change into running clothes.

Bucky knelt by the chair, tucking the blanket back round Grace. "Go back to sleep, Babydoll," he murmured.

Just then, the elevator dinged open, and Sam Wilson stepped off.

"You boys ready ta go?" Sam asked.

"Pipe down, Wilson!" Bucky answered in hushed tones, motioning to the dozing Grace. "Steve'll be ready in a minute."

"Seriously, Barnes? You guys have her sleeping in the living room? And I thought you two were gentlemen."

"She had a nightmare," Steve whispered, joining them. "She came out here and stayed with me." He laid a hand on her shoulder. "We'll back in a little while, Grace," he told her softly. She grabbed his hand and pulled it close.

"Stevie..." she mumbled quietly.

Steve extricated his hand and shot Sam a stern look when the ex-soldier started chuckling. They headed for the elevator, Sam still grinning.

"Ya sure I don't have a shot with her?" he asked as they boarded the elevator.

The door slid closed, and Steve hit the button for the training floor. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Come on, Cap! You know I'm a gentleman."


"So, she's clearly a snugglebunny, something, I totally go for, and that was seriously the most freakin' adorable case of bed-head I've-Ouch! What was that for, Barnes?"

"For talking about Grace like that."

"Like what? You seriously gonna tell me you don't find that little doll of 1940's adorableness attractive?"

"She's a person, not a toy." Bucky huffed.

"Says the guy that calls her "Babydoll" on a regular basis." Sam cocked an eyebrow at him.

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