Chapter XLI

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Grace shook her head in confusion. "What twins?"

"We met them recently on a mission in Eastern Europe," Steve explained. "Pietro and Wanda were experimented on by HYDRA and have become enhanced individuals."


"They have superpowers," Tony explained. "He's a literal speed-demon, and she has Jedi mind tricks."

Grace look even more lost. "Jedi what?"

"She does things with her mind," Clint clarified, standing to go wait for the twins in the living room.

"Okay...Why weren't they here before?"

"Well, Pietro was critically injured on the mission," Nat replied. "Wanda wouldn't leave him, so they were at one of SHIELD's facilities while Pietro healed."

Grace nodded. "I guess I'd better get out a few more place settings, then." She stood and disappeared into the kitchen to retrieve more dishes just as the elevator dinged open in the living room.

Clint brought them in. "Hey, guys, look what the cat dragged in."

"Well, sit down, kiddos," Tony greeted. "We're just having lunch."

While a round of hugs was shared by all the Avengers, Grace slipped back in with bowls and plates in one hand and glasses and spoons in the other. Pietro turned around and nearly bumped into her just as Grace trying to set the twin's places.

Pietro took in her bright blue eyes, golden curls and petite form in seconds. "Excuse me, miss; Pietro Maximoff, at your service. May I assist you back to your chair? Surely you are in a great deal of pain."

Grace set the dishes and utensils down and gave him an incredulous look. "I beg your pardon?"

"It must have hurt terribly when you fell from Heaven," he grinned down roguishly at her.

"Pietro!" Wanda hissed, smacking her brother's arm.

Grace just rolled her eyes. "I think I'll live, Mr. Maximoff. Thanks, anyway." She reached for the tea pitcher and began filling the twins' glasses. "You two might want to sit down and eat before the food gets any colder. Potato soup isn't as good at room temperature."

"Thank you, " Wanda answered and dragged her brother into a seat.

"May I at least know the angel's name?" Pietro insisted, looking at Grace.

Sam chuckled. "Dude, flattery just rolls off that doll. She's a tough cookie."

Grace's mind flashed back to a medical tent in Italy:

"You look an angel this morning, Doll."

Grace rolled her eyes as she huffed a loose strand of hair away from her face. "Now, that was a line* if I ever heard one," she answered, turning to the speaker, a young lieutenant with a hopeful face. "Didn't your mother ever teach you that it was wrong to lie?" she asked, hands on hips. A slight smile graced her lips to let him he had not really made her mad. He answered with a shrug and sheepish smile. Shaking her head, Grace turned back to the soldier whose bandages she was preparing to change.

"Told ya it was pointless," he said to the lieutenant. "Nurse Rogers is one tough cookie."

"You bet she is," Julie grinned as she moved to check the dressing on the lieutenant's bandaged leg.

"Well, I certainly didn't get chosen for this position by being a marshmallow," Grace added to the banter.....

"I'm an Army field nurse, fellas. You don't get to be one those by being a marshmallow," Grace answered Sam's comment.

While all this was happening, Bucky was sending Winter Soldier death glares at the flirting Sokovian. Luckily, only Steve noticed.

"Relax, Buck," Steve whispered. "Grace can handle the kid."

"But he-"

"Sam's right. Grace is a tough cookie," Steve overrode Bucky. "It's gonna take a lot more than pretty words to win her over."

Meanwhile, Pietro was not daunted. "I get it; playing hard to get. I can work with that."

"Pietro, shut up," Wanda commanded amid the chuckles and snickers of the Avengers. "You are embarrassing us."

"Come on, just a name," he pleaded as Grace moved to sit back down. "If you don't tell me, I'll be forced to give you one."

"Is that so," she answered with fake politeness.

"Yep, Kokhana*."

Bucky nearly growled that the term."

Grace took a deep breath, let it out slowly, then turned to look at Pietro across the table. "My name is Grace, but for you, it's Miss Rogers."

"Rogers?" Pietro grinned. "Any relation to our dear Captain?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Grace answered, retaking her seat between Steve and Bucky after Steve had risen to pull out her chair for her.


"She's Steve's sister," Bucky ground out.

Pietro choked on the sip of tea he had just taken. Wanda just rolled her eyes as she served herself some of the potato soup.

"Wait, when you said you are an Army nurse..."

"U. S. Army Nurse Corps," Grace answered. "I was attached to the 85th Field Hospital, which was stationed near one of fiercest pockets of fighting in Italy, from August of '42 until November of '43."

"What happened in November of '43?"

Bucky growled out something in Russian, but Grace placed a placating hand on his arm. She looked over at Pietro. "I was captured by HYDRA and put through experimentation and extremely intense training for the next year and a half to be the Winter Soldier's asset."

"New definition of 'tough cookie', then," Pietro gulped.

kokhana - Ukrainian for "sweetheart". I've decided to use Ukrainian for the Maximoffs since most sources say that Sokovia is somewhere near there, although the exact location can't be agreed upon.

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