Chapter IL

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Grace' s POV:

She was strapped down on an icy-cold steel gurney. Armed men in black uniforms wheeled her through a confounding maze of dim corridors and hallways. Supposed doctors in white coats had given her several different syringes of drugs in her cell; she felt numb, and her head spun more and more with each twist and turn of captors' chosen path......................................................................

Asset............Shadow.......We will always find you...................You belong to HYDRA now.....Hail, HYDRA.......................asset...........little Shadow.....

She was drowning in the swirling blackness.

No.........Grace Rogers.......I have a brother.....Steve...............friends..............Bucky.....Clint.........Nat...............Bruce.....Tony......Bucky.........Wanda........ Sam......Pietro...............Steve.................

Shadow............Der Shatten....................little asset.......HYDRA' Shadow......You belong to escape..........Der Schatten.........We will find you..............

A soft red light broke through the darkness shrouding her mind. It was warm. Gentle. Welcoming. Radiating comfort. It was a stark contrast to the cold, empty darkness that HYDRA had left with her.

Images of family and friends gradually began replacing the memories of pain and mindless obedience. She strained toward the light and images that promised comfort and acceptance. A warmth began dispelling the deadening cold engulfing her heart and mind.



HYDRA's little asset........

Norma Grace Rogers............

.....the Soldier's Shadow.........

She tried to hold onto as many of the images - the memories - the light showed her as she could; each one she managed to hold on to seemed to lessen HYDRA's shadows a little more.

...Steve........"I love you, Gracie.".............

Bucky........."Miss me, Babydoll?"......

.....Clint........."Come on, Cinders; let's get those pretty blues dried before ol' Doc Banner gets back,"..................Nat............"You think Stark has a pair of pointe shoes in my size in here?"........


Pepper........"Today I'm your assistant,".............Stark............."Mean cup of joe, Alice,"...........Bruce....."Hello again, Miss Rogers,"..............


.........Steve................"Need you, Stevie,"............Bucky........."I'll be seeing you soon,"......."Your 'Sarge', Bucky,".................Steve......."Your loving brother, Steve,".........."Proud of ya, Gracie,"...........................Bucky.........."I've thought about you nearly every day since you left,".............

She felt a pair of arms slip around her and gently press her head to a chest.

......Welcome home, Babydoll.................................

The last shreds of darkness lifted and Grace found herself being held by Pepper. She could tell by the subtle perfume wafting around her.

"That's right, Grace; you're not there anymore," Pepper murmured comfortingly. "You've got a big brother and an ex-Soldier who will ensure that you never have to face them ever again."

Grace slowly opened her eyes. She realized her face was wet with tears. Looking up, she found Pepper gazing down at her.

"Hi, there," Pepper smiled sympathetically.

Grace turned her head and saw Wanda kneeling in front of her, head bowed and clutched in her hands. Nat was beside the young witch.

"What's wrong, Wanda?" Grace immediately asked thinking Wanda was hurt somehow. "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" Wanda replied incredulously. She raised her head, revealing wet eyes and a tear-stained face.

"Wanda?" Nat cocked her head in concern.

Wanda ignored her. "Grace, how do you keep your sanity with all...that?"

"I don't remember much," Grace answered quietly. "but I am beginning to remember more and more."

"You know what she was seeing in her head?" Pepper asked Wanda.

"I had to look into her mind to know what was happening and guide her back to us."

"W-What happened?" Grace asked in a small voice.

"You sort of....freaked out," Pepper answered hesitantly.

"That man," Grace murmured. "He......He looked almost exactly like my handler...."

"You mean HYDRA?" Nat asked. Grace nodded. "Well, Pepper's right," the red-head reached out and squeezed Grace's hand comfortingly. "You won't have to worry about them anymore; your brother and friends will make sure you don't have to."

"Thanks, Nat." Grace squeezed back in gratitude.

"No problem, chika," Nat answered. "I'm going to take Wanda to her room; the boys are probably getting antsy." She helped Wanda stand. "I'll get you time to rest, but I'm guessing that in a bit you will some time to decompress," Nat grinned. "See you in our place in an hour for 'girl time'?"

A small, tired smile found it's way onto Grace's face as she nodded.

"Great," Nat nodded. "Pep, will you and your yoga mat be there?"

Pepper thought for a moment. "I think I can clear an afternoon for girl time, " she smiled. "I'll bring stuff for smoothies afterward." She looked at Wanda. "You in for some girls-only time?"

"I don't know yoga."

"Neither do I," Grace pipped up. "Nat and I practice dance."

"I can teach you, Wanda," Pepper added. "It's good for clearing your mind."

"Okay, I'm in," Wanda nodded with a smile.

Author's Note: I hope this was not too confusing; I'm trying to show what was going on in Grace' s mind, and I've never really done that before

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