Chapter XXXV

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"It's okay," Clint soothed as he held a sniffling Grace Rogers in his arms. Reaching to the coffee table, he grabbed a Kleenex and handed it to Grace. "Come on, Cinders, let's dry those pretty blues before ol' Doc Banner gets back." He thought he heard a little chuckle at the nickname. When she raised her face, there was a ghost of a smile there.

"Thank you, Clint," she said softly as she dabbed at her eyes with the tissue.

"Don't mention it, sweetheart," Clint answered good-naturedly. He paused, then asked his next question. "Do you happen to remember anything from before HYDRA?"

"Well, the others said that I was a field nurse in the Army," she replied.

"But you don't remember it?" Clint pressed.

Grace's brows knit together in concentration as she closed her eyes, thinking. Slowly, vague images and sounds came to her, along with a throbbing headache. "I.........I remember...tents. Lots of tents.........I wore khaki and olive green..........So many wounded..............runners brought waves and waves of them on stretchers................" she trailed off, clutching her head.

"It's okay, Grace," Clint said, putting his arm around her again. "That's really good."

Suddenly, one memory flashed to the forefront of Grace's mind. "A-A letter...I got a letter......" she said. "It was the first I received........"

"Who was it from?"

In her mind, she saw a neat, familiar cursive.....the letter was signed.......

Your loving brother,

A sharp stab of pain, like a dagger, pierced her head. " brother....." she breathed before surrendering to the dark of unconsciousness.

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