Chapter XXXIII

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"Their asset?" Clint asked. "That's what they called you? Just an asset?"

Slowly, Grace nodded. "I had no say in anything I did or what happened to me. I had no name but the designation they gave me."

"Der Schatten. the Shadow."

Again, Grace nodded.

Clint paused, trying to think of the best way to word his next questions. "So....what do you remember of 'The Shadow'? Were you sent on any missions?"

No," Grace shook her head. "I never got that far. I....I failed my field tests." She ducked her head, clasping her hands tightly in her lap.


"Clint..." Bruce cautioned softly.

Grace took a deep breath. "It's alright, Dr. Banner." She raised her eyes to meet Clint's. "I was sent on field tests to see if I was ready to put into training with the Winter Soldier. The first two tests in surveillance, recon, tailing, and undercover work when fine, but the last test....." She trailed off, swallowing thickly. She bowed her head again as her eyes filled with tears as the memory came rushing back.

Clint laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "What happened, Grace?"

She sucked in a shaky breath. "I was ordered to a Nazi party to kill someone. Some scientist in HYDRA. They thought he might be a double agent," She took another breath. "I hesitated. At that point, I knew I was supposed to do everything they told me; that it would be 'right'. They were freeing the world from the slavery it was in. I was helping them shape the world into something better, greater. But something inside told me, screamed for me to not to pull that trigger." She looked back up at Clint. "I refused to kill."

Clint let out the breath he had not realized he was holding. "That's good, Grace. You fought their programming and won."

Grace lowered her gaze once more. "There was another HYDRA agent there," she continued as if not hearing him. "He killed the scientist in my stead......then turned on his family. He......had a wife and...and t-two children there w-w-with him." A small sob escaped her lips. "I was only to kill the scientist. They k-killed a punishment to me."

"Oh, Grace," Clint sadly gasped. He quickly engulfed her tiny frame in a comforting hug as she cried into his shoulder.

"I think that's enough for now," Bruce commented softly. Clint nodded in agreement, still holding Grace. Bruce excused himself, saying he was getting Grace a cup of tea, but Clint had noticed, out of the corner of his eye, the scientist subtly gripping the arms of his chair tighter and tighter throughout the questioning.

"You did the right thing, Grace," Clint whispered in her ear, rubbing soothing circles in her back.

"I'm not so sure," she answered through her tears. "I caused innocent people to die. Because I wouldn't do what they told me to, they died. I-I......k-killed them, Clint."

"No. No, you didn't" Clint replied firmly. "HYDRA killed them." He gently pulled away, raising her face with a finger under her chin. "You did what was right. You fought against the programming. You didn't kill them; HYDRA did. You hear me?"

Grace just nodded and buried her face in his shoulder again.

I owe a huge thanks to my readers, commenter, voters, and whoever else determines ranking on Wattpad. This story as recently received #1 in the "Cap" category!!!!! I never dreamed my little story would ever get such recognition!!! Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!

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