The Nightmare

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Shivers run down through my spine,
Chills cast a freezing spell over my body,
Tingling sensations make my insides frosty,
Paleness of my face is sure a tell a tale sign,
Yet here I sit paralysed suddenly tongue tied
As the scene unfolds before my naked eyes.

The scream for help gets lodged in my throat
Just an inaudible gasp could escape my mute soul,
Though layer by layer my dignity is shredded off,
Still I hold on to that last thread of hope.
Afterall it's the only thing keeping me sane
As the monster keeps on violating my personal space.

A gentle touch turns into a forceful caress,
Warmth is lost dominated by the lustful gaze.
All the plea of discomfort now made no sense,
For the culprit is drunk on desire that knew no shame.
The pure innocence of childhood is at stake
As the beast is finally free from the shackles of pretense.

Tears of helplessness coat my chubby cheeks,
Hoping someone hears the prayer murmured by my shivering lips,
Before the familiar stranger devours what remains of my untouched being,
But thank god the loyal alarm breaks my restless sleep.
Taking a sigh of relief, I curse my darkest of dreams,
As the parasite smirks waiting for the next night.
For the reality can't always be denied...

©Poem by Felicity

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