Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Emma's POV:

I still can't believe Ryan is my mate. My soulmate, the one I live with for enternity. I smile thinking about it. I really think I love him, honestly. Ryan tells me he loves me a lot but I never reply, I just simply kiss his plump lips.

I know it seems mean, well horrible, but I couldn't say I love him the first day I met him one week ago. But, now I feel different.. I feel something.

My head lay on his chest and his breathing was soft. We we were laying on his bed and it was currently 2 am. Trust me, we do this a lot.

"Emma?" He spoke.

"Hmm?" I replied, softly.

"I love you so much," he exclamed, kissing my cheek softly.

I turned to him, "I-I" Say it, Em! "I love you, Ryan,"

His lips broke into a grin and he kissed my lip roughly, wrapped his hands around my waist. Closing my eyes, I wrpped my arms around his neck and pulled his hair slightly. His tounge wrestled with mine and he pushed me on his bed more.


Rose's POV:

My eyes fluttered open to see Justins room. The sun was shining through the window, uliminating the room brightly. Justin was snoring loudly and his big arms were still around my waist when I tried to get up. I had to smile at that.

I wiggled, trying to escape his grip. He groaned and moved a little. I bit my lip and pulled his arms off of me. I slid out of bed and stood on my feet.

"Rosie," Justin whimpered.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes?"

"Why are you leaving? I'm tired." He said, pushing his face in his pillow.

"I'm not," I replied, "C-Can I take a shower?"

"Mhm," He huffed, turning around in the bed.

I grinned and turned around and walked out his door. A clock hanged on the wall and black numbers were written on it largely: 6:46 A.M. Holy crap! That early? I never wake up early- I usaly wake up around 10-11 am.

Downstairs I heard nothing, but I did smell food. I rubbed my stomach.. 'Mmmm' I am hungry. I found my way to the bathroom and stripped from Justins clothes after locked the door. I turned on the water and waited a few seconds until it was hot.

I stepped in and flinched at the hotness. Instantly, I turned it a bit to the right to make it colder. I sighed in relief. The water soothed my mind.

Does this mean I'm dating Justin?

Damn, all this werewolf crap is really, really confusing. I closed my eyes and relaxed for a minute before I opened my eyes to check for shampoo and conditioner. I burst out laughing when I saw a flee and tick dog killer shampoo: 'Bye Bye Ticks and Flees! For Larger Dogs.' (A/N: I had too! I'm sorryyy!😂)

I grabbed a woman's shampoo that was strawberry scented. I squeezed a reasonable amount on my hand and scrubbed it in my hair. I scratched my scalp and closed my eyes- extra tight just in case. I rinsed it out and conditioned my hair before cleaning my body and turning off the water.

I slide the glass door over and grabbed a white, fluffy towel. I dried my hair a little before wrapping it around my torso. I then remembered I had no clothes. Am I retarded?

I breathed and out on the clothes I had on. I brushed my hair with a brush on the sink and walked out of the room and into Justin's.

Justin was already up or something because he was not in bed. I noticed a book shelf by his bed and went to it with curiosity. Maybe I shouldn't snoop.. Or maybe I should?

Yeah, I should.

I took out a book- no a scrapbook- and opened it up. Pictures am pictures of him and his family were in there. There was one of him and a little girl with booed hair an brown eyes. She was so adorable and Justin looked like a freaking cupcake. There was pictures of tiny Justin and his mom and.. Dad? I saw a lot of pictures with him and his father wen he was young, but none when he was older. I flipped the page to see a girl around 16 or 17. She had long light brown hair, green eyes, and a beautiful smile. She was gorgeous.

"What are you doing?" A harsh voice growled. I jumped and jerked my head back to see Justin standing in the doorway a mad look on his face.

"I, uh, I just," I stuttered awkwardly. Spit it out, Rose. "I was just looking through this scrapbook," I said honestly.

"Well, don't go through shit that's not yours, Rose," he snapped. I flinched and put the book back, but I was used to people snapped and yelling at me.

His face grew soft and he spoke, "I'm sorry for being mean, Rose. I just-"

I cut him off, "It was my fault, Justin. I shouldn't have been looking through your stuff. Anyways, I'm used to it," I whispered the last part, my voice cracked slightly.

He gave me an apologetic look before hugging me and whispering softly, "I'm sorry, Rose, just please for look through my stuff,"

I nodded, letting go of him. I shouldn't of looked through his stuff though, honestly. I feel really rude and he probably thinks I'm a little snooper. But I had to admit... I was curious about that girl. Who was she?

He smiled, "You hungry?" I smiled back and nodded, following him down stairs afterwards.


Comments- Short chappie, I'm sorry. :( BUT I updated 2x yesterday and today! Woohoo! Updating tomorrow night! Only because I'm sick:(

I hate being sick, it sucks butthole.



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