✿The point of no return ✿

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"You have come here, in pursuit of your deepest urge."
Lance chocked out. He look at Keith with a longing glance.
"In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent."
Keith looked up at Lance. He didn't quite know how to feel of his life long friend. He didn't understand what he was feeling at that point.
Lance took a step back, not knowing why.
"I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge."
Lance looked up once again and took steps closer to the distressed boy.
"In your mind you've already succumbed to me. Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me."
Lance placed his hand onto Keith's face. Keith had put his warm hand onto Lance's cold one.
"Now you're here with me, no second thoughts. You've decided."
Lance lightly glared at Keith and took his hand away.
Keith look at Lance with surprise. He never was so harsh with him. Not until-
"Past the point of no return. No backward glances! The games we played til now are at an end."
Keith remembered the little games of tag they would play when they were little. He went to grab Lance's coat.
"Past all thought of if or when. No use resisting! Abandon thought and let dream descend..."
Keith stopped his hand as Lance turned around at Keith's mixed face.
"What raging fire shark flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks it's door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?"
Lance was getting a bit annoyed with how Keith was non responsive.
"Past the point of no return. The final threshold! What warm unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return..."
Keith finally found the courage to speak to the devilish phantom
"You have brought me to that moment when words run dry, to the point when speech disappears into silence..."
Lance peeked up in a bit surprise, not thinking Keith would ever sing back to him like long ago.
Keith's voice slowly got quieter as he went on, not wanting to be harsh.
"I have come here hardly knowing why. In my mind I've already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent."
Keith looked at Lance with a soft look before turning sad.
"Now I am here with you, no second thoughts I've decided, decided."
He turned away from Lance letting few tears escape his eyes.
"Past the point of no return, no going back now! Our passion play now, at last, begun!"
Keith wiped his tears away and faced Lance. He began to wonder how Lotor was.
"One final question, how long shall we two wait before we're one?"
Lance was stunned. He didn't know how to answer that question. He had Keith now, Keith was his. Only his.
" When will blood begin to race?
The sleeping bud begin to burst into bloom?"
Now Keith became a tad angry and lightly glared at Lance.
"When will the flames, at last, consume us?!"
Lance and Keith both stepped towards each other as if asserting dominance.

"Past the point of no return, the final threshold! The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn! We've passed the point of no return!"
"He's dead! Get Pidge immediately! Inform her that her brother is no more!"
Keith eyes widen as Lance grabs his arms in a tight hold.
"Say you'll share with me one life, one lifetime."
Lance's grip softened. He look at Keith's eyes with a kind look.
"Lead me, save me from solitude."
Lance pulls a ring from his finger and looks at Keith. Keith blushes as Lance puts the ring on his finger.
"Say you want with you here beside you. Anywhere you go, let me go too~
Keith, that's all I ask of yo-"
A distant scream is heard. Keith immediately dashed off to go see what was wrong and is met with Pidge on the floor next to her brothers body.

Until the next part my lovelies~

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