☆Pretty Stranger☆

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This is a cute au where basically Lance works at Starbucks and Keith has kinda bad anxiety issues.

It had been a pretty normal day, no one had ordered something really strange, so I say it's kinda off balance. Blu was working the shift with me. Blu always seems to bring in customers because of his looks. He has this deep Blue hair and icy eyes with heavy freckles on the face. He smiles brightly at the customers and I just try and flirt. It never works in the end, I always get slapped. I was about to go on a lunch break until I heard the little bell chime. I looked up and smiled. IMMA TRY AND BE LIKE BLU. IMMA BE SO COOL!!!

"Hello! Welcome to Starbucks sir, what may I get you on this lovely morning!"

I smiled in accomplishment. The guy that stood in front of me had a heavy blush and looked down. He has soft black hair and wore ripped jeans and a lion hoodie.

"I wonskk wike th....."

"Can you repeat that please sir? You're just so cute I got distracted!"

The man instantly jumped up waving his hands nervously, looking like a blushing mess.

"I-I uhh, can I have the- no- maybe..."

"Aren't you just a darling! If you don't know what to get, you should get the Cotton Candy Frap, my personal fave!"

I sent him a wink. The man quickly fiddled with his hands, pulling his hoodie sleeves down, covering his hands. He finally looked into my eyes. Soft, shy purple orbs stared at me. His eyes were like a book I just couldn't get away from. I felt like a lost traveler, waiting for his hand to guide me straight to his heart.

"Th- Thank you, but I- I'll just have a chocolate st-stuffed croissant, please."

"Got it! Anything else I can get for you?"
(Please say your number please say your number)

"N-no, that's all..."

"Alrighty! We'll have that right out for you cutie!"

He walked away stumbling a bit. I looked over to see Blu smirking at me. I instantly blushed and went to go get the mans order.

(I had the rest of the story typed up but my fucking phone crashed and my work didn't save so here's half assed bull shiz)

I placed the pastry into the oven to heat up the bread, giving it a beautiful scent to fill the air. The warmth melted the chocolate, giving the customer the full chocolate croissant experience.

The timer chimes and I grabbed the chocolate pastry and placed it onto a platter. I then grabbed the chocolate syrup and made cute chocolate swirls by the pastry.

We normally don't do this stuff unless it's someone's birthday, but I really liked this customer. He gave off a cute charm that I had never seen in anyone else.


Except for my ex, but we don't talk about that.

I looked around the shop and found him in the corner trying to boot up his computer. I grabbed the dish and quickly glided over to his seat.

"Here you are cutie! One chocolate croissant! Made neatly and specially for you!"

I sent him a wink and looked over to his computer.



Was that his name? I looked over to him and saw he was a blushing mess. I quickly panicked and tried to comfort him. He jumped when my hand landed on his shoulder and his face exploded with color.

"I UH NO UM- IM FINE... just uh, can't get my um... computer to work, yah know? Haha,,"

Oh! This is my chance!

"I could help if yah need it cutie!"

"Um, yeah sure... if you want?"

"Yeah definitely all you need to do is..."

I explained to him what to do while I was doing it, cause you know, I'm a gentleman. He watched me intently and I slowly became flustered. I noticed I was starting to stutter and I was fidgeting with my hands a bit. His deep purple eyes just seemed to grow brighter when I was talking.

I quickly* stopped talking and just started to admire his features. "Keith" looked at me in confusion.

"Why'd you stop talking? ...I liked hearing about your stories..."

"A-ah! Sorry! I just realized how much more attractive you are up close!!"

We both bursted out in a deep colour of red. Keith quickly looked down at his hands and would keep opening his mouth to say something, but no words could reach his tongue.

"I think.... you're pretty too..."

*Quickly autocorrected to quickie and I cried of laughter, unfortunately waking up my friend in the process


She beat me up ;-;

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