Your Bio

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(Y/N) Backstory
* Your Altein
* Your parents were Alfors royal guards
* Because of this you were constantly visiting the Altein castle
* You became good friend with Allura because of this.
* You have a pet named Link (Kinda looks like a ferret)
* After Zarkon started acting strange he created a white lion just Incase Zarkon would turn (and we all know the awnser to that)
* Your Mom piloted the lion but only two times
* The first time was to test if the lion worked
* The second time was when Alfor scattered the lions
* She came back from the planet she left the lion to defend Altea
* Alfor put Allura, You and Coran in the pods
* Your parents died protecting Alfor from Zarkon {again we know how that turned out

AN: I know some people are annoyed with the reader being a pilot of Voltron an all, but I personally thought writing this fanfic without the reader being a pilot a bit boring, so i'm going to do it anyway AND YOU CANT STOP ME! *runs off into the night*

(Update!) Personality (in the book)

Determined/Persistent/Dedicated/Single Minded: When you want to achieve something. You will make sure you succeed. There is no "giving up." For an answer. The only things you give up on are the things you don't care about.
However when you want to achieve something, sometimes you become single minded.
Not in a selfish way, more like "when you want to achieve something, you'll spend all of your time and energy into getting it."
When this happens you can end up making some careless and reckless decisions that not only affect yourself but others around you.
When your in this state, your motivation for other things kinda drains.

Selfless: Yes, you can be self minded when it comes to achieving something. But when it comes to group decisions or group conflict, you feel as if your opinion doesn't matter. Sometimes you'll try to voice your opinion, but you will easily back out.

Emotional State: You've lost a lot. Your parents, your home, your entire race. Your tired of losing everything you love, You can become very emotional when it comes to these topics.

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