chapter 3

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Today the boys have dance practice. Luckily for all of them that's all they have for the day. Butttt......

Unluckily for Jinyoung and Jaebum they just cant seem to focus at all. But i mean neither could the others but they weren't as bad as the two love struck puppy's who couldn't keep their eyes off Jacksons amazingly round plump butt.

Jackson was wearing tights that huged his round bum and thighs so perfectly that it should be eligal to look that good.

"let's take a 5 minute break! " Jaebum said out of breath.

The members all sighed in relief taking a seat on the floor against the wall, using towels to wipe the sweat off their faces and brining their water as a attempt to cool off.

Jinyoung had sat down crossed legged and pulled Jackson to sit on his lap. Jaebum sat down next to them.

"you look soooo good in those tights princess. Don't you agree jinyoung?" Jaebum whispered, loud enough so that only Jackson and jinyoung could hear, into the latter's ear, earning a bright rad blush from him.

"I definitely do. It looks so round and plump and.... Sexy baby girl." jinyoung whispered back.

Jackson by now was a blushing mess. He's been with these two boys for years now and they never fail to make him blush with the slightest comment.

Jackson was also wearing a pink top that was slightly big on his small frame.

"Aww! Baby girl, you don't even know what you do to use whan you wear pink!" jinyoung said put loud not really caring who heard seeing as it was just the members of got7 in the studio and no one else.

"it drives use crazy, baby girl!" Jaebum was about ready to take Jackson just there just like that.

"Yoh!! Love birds find a room!" bambam said in discust, sticking his tongue out just to prove his point.

"yah! Not in front of us please!" mark said while also making a grossed out face at the 3 love birds.

They earned a eyeroll from Jeabum and a glare from Jinyoung. Jackson was so shy at that moment that he tried to hid his cute face in jinyoung shirt.

"okay! Break is over. Let's go on." Jeabum said while sanding up and helping jackson stand up from jinyoung lap.

"I hope that our baby girl is gonna put on a show for us later." jinyoung and Jeabum whisperd into Jackson ear, before walking off to go practice.

Sorry guys for making you wait for so long. I have just been really busy, but I will try to update more from now on.

Oh and sorry for the spelling errors.

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