chapter 6

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Jinyoung p.o.v

As Jaebum sliwly walked way with our baby girl while bouncing him, i turn to the others and smirk.

"I think by now you all get the hint that Jackson is ours. Stay away from him and there wont be problems!" I say sternly hopeing i wont have problems with anyof them and if i do i will sort them out.

"Does Jackson know this?" Mark asked with gis brown raised.

"He will!" Of course my baby girl will know who he belongs to.

"Now stay away from him and DO NOT TOUCH HIM!!" I hear the others gulp as they shack thair head yes.

I smile satisfied, just as jaebum walks up to us with a sleeping Jackson.

"Awww!! Our baby is so cute!!" These are tge only times you will ever hear me squeal, only when it comes to our baby boy.

Okay but for real Jaebum has been holding jackson for ling enough its my turn.

"Give him hear its my turn to hold our baby girl "

"Okay, okay. Calm down, you are gonna wake our princess up." Jaebums right i needa chill i dont wanna wake up Jackson.

"Okay guys kets go back to the dorms now, practice is over. Oh and if any of you wakes up my princess you are gonna have to deal with us." Jaebums right if one of them wakes up my precious little baby they gonna get it.

We make our way to the van as i carry Jackson. Evertone is dead quite, probably scared of waking up Jackson.

Jackson p.o.v

I wake up feeling something soft under me. probably my bed, but how did i get here?

Suddenly flashes of what happen with with Jinyoung and Jaebum come back to me, which causes me to blush. I look around and notice that this isnt my room. Whos room is this? OMG is this Jaebums and Jinyoungs room?

"Aww princess your awake?" I blush at Jaebums words and hide half my face under the covers.

"Aww come here princess, come ro daddy" i blush hard, but for some reason i climb out of tge covers and crawl over to jaebum shyly.

He quickly picks me up and i wrap my legs around his waistand my arms around his neck, hiding my face in his neck.

"Aww baby look at how cute you look in my hoodie, its so big on you." Jinyoung said as he entered the room.

This causes me to realise i wasn't wearing what i was before but rather Jinyoungs over sized, black hoodie and boxers. I dont know why but i feel so safe and relaxed in his hoodie, maybe its because its from him. I also feel so safe in Jaebums arms.

I dont know why but they always just make he feel safe and loved and all i want is for this to last....


I thought since i haven't updated in such a long time i should update today as well.

Thats for voting, love you guys!!!❤


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