The Girl - Part 14

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Your POV

"Aww, she's really cute.." You say as you look at the blue beast flying, and then landing on Silica's shoulder.

"Of course she is.. Hey.. Wait. What's that over there?" Silica points outside.

You sway your head to the side to look at the window and see a figure, but then it disappears.

"What the?! Did you see that, Kirito?!" You say as you turn but see Kirito stop his cooking to look outside.

"See what?"



"That thing outside!"

"There's nothing there, goober." He says as he smiles and continues cooking.

You roll your eyes and walk outside. "Stay here, Silica."

"Want me to go check on Asuna? She might be having some trouble." Silica said as she looks at Pina, then at you.

"Sure. You go do that, I'm gonna figure out what's here." You said, determined to find that thing.

"Stay safe, hon." Said Kirito as you smiled and shut the door behind you.

You ran outside and looked around the forest. You then stumble upon a hard branch on the ground that almost made you trip. You look at it in anger, but then look up and see a girl dressed in a purple dress with long, black hair.

"Hi!" She said, in a squeaky voice because it was small and looked like a child.

"Hi..? Who are you and where are your parents?" You said, backing away a bit.

"My name is Lilly! I came here by myself. I don't have any parents.. I got trapped in this world not knowing why, but I usually wait for people to clear floors so I can go with some of the guards." She says while giggling.

"Why are you here alone, and how old are you?"

"I am 10! I am here alone because I told the guards to leave me alone." She said with another big smile.

Wow. This little girl probably has no clue why she's here and she's that young?!

"Hey. How did you manage to get a VR Headset if you have no parents..?" You said, a bit quietly.

"Me? Oh.. I live in an orphanage. I wanted to play this game with a few friends, but they all.. got destroyed by the bosses. They didn't listen to me.." Lilly said as she got a pink bunny plushie from her inventory and hugged it.

You smiled and pat her head.

"It's nice to meet you. Do you need any help with the floors or anything?" You said as you held her small hand.

"Umm.. No, I don't wanna give you pressure..." She said as her stomach growled.

"Noo, why does the game have to show my hunger...?"

You giggled. "I'll give you some food.. Follow me into the adventurous cabin!" You said, hopping and skipping with her.

You and her giggled as you pretended to swing through the forest jumping on stones and vines.

"We're here!" You exclaimed as you opened the door and you see two plates set up on the table with a well dimmed candle in the middle.

"Aww, Kirito.. You didn't have to." You said as you walked in, the girl behind you hugging her plushie and sticking to your side.

"So who's that guest?" Kirito says as he stands up from the table chair.

"It's a little girl I found in the forest. She's really adorable and hungry. Got any leftovers?" You said as you smiled from her hugging your right leg.

Kirito nodded and handed her recent leftover cooking. She took it hesitantly and looked at the table.

You and Kirito sat down at the table and put another chair for her to sit down on. She smiled and sat on the table.

"Hey, who's this?" Lilly said as she nodded her head towards Kirito.

"This is my boyfriend, Kirito. He might seem scary, but is actually a nice guy." You said with a devilish smirk.

Kirito elbowed you on the arm and mumbled. "You can get a bit scary sometimes.."

You rolled your eyes. "So Lilly.. Oh! I haven't introduced myself. I'm Y/N, and this is Kirito!" You said, smiling.

"Lilly? That's an adorable name for an adorable girl." Kirito smiled and patted her head.

Lilly giggled and kept giggling until you noticed she was crying.

"Lilly, are you okay?" You said while looking at her helplessly.

"Y-Yeah.." She said, wiping her tears.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No.. It's just that-that.. You guys remind me of my p-parents..." She said as she calms down a bit.

"O-Oh.. Um.."

"Really? That's cool!" Kirito says, taking off the awkwardness even though she was 10.

She smiles and starts to eat her plate.

You sigh and finish eating your plate as well.

( By 5 minutes I meant a day in the last chapter lolololol~ )

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