- tickets -

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"Yuri smile" I said to her as I took a picture of her.

Finally summer has come as recognition has arrived.

Sadly BTS's tour begun as soon as our classes came to an end. I could've spent some time with Taehyung during summer. Taehyung is an amazing friend and he just makes me feel comfortable.

"You wanna eat somewhere?" She asked and I winked at her as we both knew the answer.


"Finally it's summer." I sighed eating my ice cream.

"I know. It'll be so calm for 2 months. Hahahahahaha" I smiled at her as we both ingulfed the cones.

My phone rang and I took it out of my pocket

Incoming call

"Wait Taehyung is calling I'm gonna answer this." I stood up and slid the anger button across my screen.

"Hey Tae." I said cheerfully.

"Congratulations you've just finished another year of collage." I smiled at his compliment.

"Thanks Tae."

"Hey I got a gift for you since you deserve it." My eyes lit up upon hearing his words.


"I had it shipped there and made sure it arrived on time. Oh and I also have one for Yuri but it's mostly from Jungkook" I got shocked. He must've calculated this well to have it arrive when we weren't home.

"I'm excited." I smiled and saw Yuri as she made the what-is-happening face.

"Okay. I won't let this call last long. I know you're probably with Yuri. I'm just here to congratulate you." His gesture made me feel happy.

"Thanks Tae. Call you when I get home." I dropped the call and went back to Yuri.

Call ended

"what happened you were smiling like a fool." Yuri said as I sat back on my chair.

"Taehyung sent us a gift. I mean Jungkook sent yours but yeah." Her eyes grew large.

"We have to go then I'm so excited." She suddenly stood up and dragged me as our ice cream dripped all over the pavement.


"Open it." We just arrived home and Yuri ran to our mailbox and yanked a box out of it.

"I will." Yuri said as she tore the tape and opened the box.

As soon as she opened it she jumped for joy.

"What is it?" She held in her hand two paper like things.

"Guess what?" She stopped to look at me.

"What?" I asked.

"We're going to Korea." She handed the paper to me and as I read it I begun screaming with her.

The papers were apparently tickets to Korea.

We both screamed and screamed.

This felt so surreal.

Yeeyeyyeyeye I'm double updating for y'all
I'm sorry for my inactivity heueheuhe

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