Here I am on WattPad writing this. I know, I know you don't need narrate what you're doing like the teens on twitter. Well it's two or three A.M. and I'm in Aidyn and I's room. Aidyn is my ten year old brother. I'm thirteen and it's like torture sharing a room with him. The baby-sitter's asleep way down the hall. Aidyn it watching Spongebob Squarepants on the TV in front of the both of us. I'm more like horror movies and being scared to where you have to look under your bed every five minutes. Our styles don't mix so much to where we had to paint half the room dark purple on one side and light blue on the other. I'm pink and black and he is light blue and yellow. He turned up the volume on the TV so I got up under the dark black comforter and put it over my head, seeing the pink from the inside. I put the volume from my headphones on ten and rubbed my face on my super soft giant pillow. He threw his Super Mario Brothers pillow at me and yelled "Hey, wake up"! "I am awake"..... I said calmly. I'm considered anti-social at my school just because I don't talk and burry myself in my Great Grandfather's army jacket from World War II. He was a nazi during the Holocaust. I'm German. The popular girls call me anorexic I guess because I'm skinner than them. I'm not anorexic it's just that I'm so lazy if I don't fell like getting up to eat I just don't. Other than that I'm super active. Aidyn laughed really loud at the TV, when I was fantasizing about crushing Lindsay, (Most popular girl in the whole school) with words. I hated her ever since third grade. Other people just call me emo because other than the jacket I dress in all black and low-top muddy black boots. I have nine friends. Nobody at school believed me. The school counselor asked me who they where and I simply told her the voices in my head.
I Stand Alone.
Cerita PendekSorry, This story has no description. It's because it's so awesome it cant't be described with words. ;)