Reuniting With the Enemy

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"Jesse?" someone whispered. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw who was calling her. "Oh, hey, Lukas," she said, replacing her look of confusion with a sleepy smile. He smiled too. "It's time to get up sleepyhead," he chuckled, "everyone's going to be wondering where you are." She playfully rolled her eyes and got out of bed. "See you out there," she said to Lukas before leaving the room. 

"What were you doing in Lukas' room?" Aidan's asked Jesse as she was closing the door. She felt her face get hot with embarrassment. "Oh, I-" she started, before the door to Lukas' room opened once more. "She was just helping me make some changes to my book," Lukas said, detecting that Jesse didn't want to tell him the truth. Of course, he was right. Jesse gave him a grateful look and told Aidan, "his latest book is coming along quite nicely."

"The red one?" Aidan inquired, "can I read it?" Lukas and Jesse exchanged nervous glances. "Not yet, Aidan," Jesse told him, "Lukas said that he's not ready for everybody to see it yet." Aidan sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine,"he grumbled, wondering why Jesse got to see his new book, and not him. Maybe Jesse just had really good editing skills, or maybe it was something more...

He dismissed this thought and went to get himself something to eat. "So, Lukas," Jesse sang, "what exactly is in your book?" Lukas laughed. "We're still talking about this?" he asked, "you'll find out eventually." Jesse rolled her eyes. "Fine, I guess I can wait," she told him, giving him a small smile.

After a few minutes, Aidan finally re-entered the room. "Alright guys-" he started before
being cut off by the sound of a large explosion. The three of them exchanged glances, and ran out of the treasure room as fast as they could. "What happened?" Jesse mumbled to
herself as she scanned her surroundings. People all around her were running and freaking out. Buildings were engulfed in flames, and the streets were covered in rubble.
"No..." she fell to the ground and started to cry. She knew that now wasn't exactly the time, but she just couldn't help it. Lukas sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay Jesse," he whispered. She looked up at him, tears staining her cheeks. "You don't get it. This is not okay. This is a disaster and-" she started to sob again.
Lukas pulled her closer to him. "I'll make sure that whoever did this, will be stopped," he told her.

She sighed and wiped the tears off her face. "I need to go help my people," she said, "I'll meet you guys back at home when we're done." She ran off into the streets, trying to help everyone in sight. Aidan looked at Lukas, and said, "we should probably help everyone out, too." He nodded and both he and Aidan ran off in separate directions.


(A/N: I'm going to start using POVs occasionally, whenever the group is split up)

Lukas' POV:

I ran around, trying to help everyone who needed it. "I can't believe somebody would do this to Jesse," I mumbled to myself, looking around Beacontown. It was terrible. "Well, well, well, if it isn't that blonde kid... Louie, was it?" I heard somebody say. I turned around and saw none other than the white pumpkin herself. "Cassie..." I scowled, reaching for my bow. Shoot! I thought, I must've left it in my room! "Oh no... I'm not Cassie..." the white pumpkin said before taking off their mask, "recognize me?"

I gasped in shock. "But... you've been missing. Ever since the witherstorm, you-" I started to say before he came charging at me. Not expecting him to come running, I stood there like a deer in headlights. He tackled me to the ground and put a diamond sword up to my throat. "You're coming with me," he growled, before bringing the hilt of his sword down as hard as he possibly could, filling my vision with blackness.


3rd Person POV

"Thank you Jesse," a black haired citizen said as Jesse lifted some of the building's debris off of him. "You're welcome," she said kindly. She looked around the area once again, trying to find more people to help. At last, she noticed someone in need of assistance, and ran as fast as she could toward them. Unfortunately, Aidan was after the same person and slammed into Jesse, knocking her over.

"Oh my God, Jesse, I am so sorry," he said, apologizing profusely. Jesse rubbed my head, which was throbbing. "It's fine Aidan, go help that man over there," she said, pointing to the guy stuck underneath some bricks. He obeyed and walked off to help the man. After what seemed like hours of helping trapped citizens and patching up the town, Jesse and Aidan headed home. When Jesse walked in, she half-expected Lukas to be sitting down on the steps on the treasure room, scribbling away in his red book. Instead, he was missing. "Hey, Aidan, have you seen Lukas?" Jesse asked him, hoping for a positive answer. Instead he just shook his head. Her heartbeat started to speed up as she frantically looked for her friend. "Lukas, if this is a joke, it's not funny!" She yelled, running into his bedroom. When Lukas was nowhere to be found, Jesse bust out crying for the second time that day. She already lost Reuben, she didn't want to lose another friend too.

This time, it was Aidan who sat down and comforted her, but it wasn't the same as when Lukas comforted her. Jesse was terrified, and Aidan couldn't do anything to fix it. "I'm sure he's okay," Aidan told Jesse, but that didn't make her feel better. She knew that if he was okay, he'd be here right now. She knew that they'd be joking and laughing and having a good time. She knew that wherever he was, he wasn't coming back.

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