Off to the Mountains

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Around 3:00 in the morning, Jesse decided that she couldn't wait for Aidan, and that she had to go after Lukas. Aidan was now one of her closest friends, and she didn't want to lose him like she lost Lukas. Yes, she knew that Aidan would probably freak once he saw she was gone, but it was worth it if he stayed safe. She went into Lukas' closet and pulled out his backpack. Jesse knew that she was going to need it to make sure that nothing got lost on her journey. She started to stuff the bag with items that she knew she'd need for the journey. "Let's see," she mumbled to herself, "I've got a sword, some apples, a few cookies, the amulet, a bow, some arrows... what else?" She looked around the room, knowing that something was missing. She scanned the room and saw what she was missing. She gently put Lukas' book into the backpack and headed out.

Before leaving, Jesse decided to leave Aidan a note so that he'd at least know why she was gone and where she was heading. She sighed and started scribbling on a piece of paper.


I don't know when I'll be back. I don't even know exactly where I'm heading...

Just please Don't go after me.

I need to find Lukas and I don't want another one of my friends getting hurt.

I'll see you soon, and hopefully Lukas will too.


She slid the note under his door, hoping that he'd see it in the morning. Quietly, she snuck out of the house and pulled the amulet out of the backpack. It was dark out, which meant that the white light illuminated perfectly, and she could see where the light shone the brightest. After spinning around in a full circle, she noticed that the brightest spot was in the direction of the Jagged Mountains. If the name wasn't enough to frighten you, it was also known to be home of a mysterious hermit. Nobody's ever been able to see this man and live to tell the tale, at least that's what the legend says. Jesse shuddered just thinking about it. Nervously, she headed in the direction of the mountains. Although she didnt want to encounter the strange man she had heard so much about, she did want to find Lukas. "It's just a legend anyways," she whispered to herself, and continued to head forward. She hoped to find Lukas quickly, but deep down she knew that wasn't going to be the case.

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