Chapter 1

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Heir of the Kingdom

I reached school, wondering why the rich bastards haven’t pelted me with harmless bombs (courtesy to the invention of a mad scientist) yet. I found the whole school murmuring to each other, keeping their eyes glued to their tablets. The first bell still didn’t ring, which made me wonder why. Even the teachers still seemed to be huddled together in the teachers’ lounge, watching something in the hologram. I caught a sight of a really sparkly tiara, filled with jewels and precious stones (ugh. Too cheesy.) being put on top of a light brown haired princess. When it zoomed out, it showed the king and queen on the highest chairs in the room, and a girl with the light brown hair (which I found styled too much) sitting in the middle of them in a throne smaller in size and height, but was much more precious because of the gems and gold it was made of. The queen appeared to be crying, while the king seemed to be about to cry. The king then bellowed:

“Behold! My daughter, the heiress, the princess of this kingdom, Azalea!”

The surrounding guards and servants, the rich and of noble blood, bowed their heads and kneeled in front of the princess who stood up and seemed to be quite proud of herself.


I didn’t understand what the fuss was about, after all, it was quite normal already for princesses and princes to be officially recognized in this world. Because, almost the whole world suddenly turned old fashioned. Countries became kingdoms. This was another one of the effects of mankind changing. They felt more power, the greater it is. But it seems like they designed an entirely new and modern way of dressing up to fit this era. The Crisnstall design is mostly the one they based all their designs on. Weird name right? It consists of not too poufy dresses, but more on the fluffed side for girls. As for the boys, their clothing consists of anything that may be considered modern. (they are sooooo unfair!)

“That was surprising isn’t it, Lady Ayame?”

My thoughts were chased away by that single comment, which made me interested.

“We all thought that the princess of Azalea never existed.” The voice continued.

“Well, she is one lucky girl. The Azalea kingdom is the biggest and most powerful one here on earth. After all, everyone who has a bloodline from there has a special ability each, making them hard to conquer. That’s the only reason my father hadn’t invaded it yet. It was far too powerful.” A high pitched voice followed.

I strained my ear to hear it more clearly, but they seemed to have exited the bathroom.

So that’s the reason why it seemed so important to all the citizens…… It was a powerful princess crowned, after all.

I exited the bathroom, and entered my first class. I couldn’t afford to be late, especially since I’m a scholarship student of this school. As I pushed open the classroom doors, (consisting of pure gold) my heart leaped when I found myself face to face with prince Ezekiel of Marina kingdom. Their kingdom is second to Azalea kingdom, in terms of power. Though not all of them have magic. Only about 10% of their citizens actually have real magic. But, if you compare it to the other kingdoms, it still is a big percentage. It seems like he was on his way out when I was entering. His face was flushed, and he hardly acknowledged me since he immediately ran towards the exit of our school. I sat down at my place near the big windows (actually, enormous would fit it more), but was then greeted by a fart. I looked at my seat, and I saw a whoopee cushion placed there.


I took it, then threw it away. The snickers of my classmates followed. The teacher entered, and class started. I was concentrating on our seatwork when the trigger for the chain of events that happened to my life was put to action. I heard it before it hit me. Then suddenly, it was all black.

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