What were you thinking?!

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"Kirashima n-no h-he doesn't care d-does he?!"

"What did you tell him sh!tty hair!"

"The truth Bakubro"

I stare at Kacchan and then at Kirashima I look confused and my mind is racing before anyone can say anything I run all the way down to the lunchroom. I hear Kacchan yell but I didn't listen I just kept thinking about what happened.

(Bakugo's POV)
I yelled at Deku to come back and explain what tf just happened but he just kept running

"What is this truth huh sh!tty hair?"

"W-well I-I did a m-manly deed by telling I-Izuku you l-liked h-him B-Bakubro"

I panic and held him over the edge of the roof.


"So you do like him Bakugo?"

"Another word about me liking him and I will drop you got it"

Kirashima nods his head and I say good so I pull him back to the ground he exhales and turns to look at me.

"Sorry Bakubro"

"Look let me tell you something okay Sh!tty hair"

He gulps and then nods


"I'm sorry Bakubro but Midoriya was staring at you so I thought he liked you back...that wasn't a very manly move I'm sorry Bakubro"

I sigh and walked past Sh!tty hair and say "whatever" I head back to class because the bell rang and when I get there Deku's stuff is gone so I ask pink cheeks where he went.

"Where's Deku"

"Oh Deku had to go home early today'

"Why what's wrong with him?"

"Well he had a fever and Bakugo"

"What is it?"

"Since when did you start caring about Deku?"


(No one's POV)

Everyone quiets down as Bakugo yelled then Aizawa came in and talked and then the school day ended. Bakugo had somewhere to be so that's where he went.

(Bakugo POV)

I went to Deku's house to ask him what was wrong. So I went to go knock on the door and Inko opened the door.

"Katsuki long time no see"

"Hey Aunt Midoriya, is Dek- I mean is Izuku home?"

"Yeah he's in his room I feel bad I was responsible for making Izuku sick"

She says that in a sad tone while staring down at the ground. I Pat her head and she looks at me.

"It wasn't your fault for Izuku getting sick he probably wasn't feeling well but that's not something you can control Inko you know that"

She starts tearing up

"B-but I could've at least prevented it from happening"

"Don't beat yourself up over it"

She just stares at me when I said that and I feel uneasy so I ask what's wrong.

"Nothing is wrong but you have grown so much since the last time I saw you"

I smirk and give off a chuckle

"What's going on here?"

Me and Inko both turn our heads only to see that our conversation was watched by freaking Deku. When he noticed that I was at his house he turns a bright red and Inko panicked

"Oh no Izuku your fever is getting worse you turned a bright red!"

"Inko can you do me a favor?"

"Yes Katsuki is something wrong?"

"No I ordered some vitamins for Izuku so I was wondering if you could go pick them up"

"B-but then who will take care if Izuku?"

"I will ,now here are the directions"

(I'm way to lazy so Inko leaves and Izuku and Bakugo are alone)

"Why did you leave school early?"

"H-huh w-what a-are you t-talking a-about?"

"Don't play dumb with me Deku"

(Izuku POV)

Kacchan looks really mad but I can't help it. I thought that Kacchan hated me but here we are and he's caring about me

"I-I'm sorry K-Kacchan"

He goes closer to my face

"I'm going to kill you one day you know that?"

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"I'm going to kill you one day you know that?"

He said that in an almost loving tone all that I do is just laugh

"Geez you're strange"

He let's go of my face and then my mom opens the door

"Sorry I took so long"

"It's ok aunt Midoriya I was about to leave anyways"

Kacchan leaves and my mom gives me a vitamin

(Time skip)

I'm getting ready for bed and then I touch my face again

"Does kacchan actually like me?"

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