It's time

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(Midoriya's POV)*a few days pass*

I take my vitamins because my mom is worried I still have a fever. I take them and get ready for school, once I'm ready I go to the door and say bye to my mom.

"Bye mom I'll see you later"

"Bye Izuku I'll be home a little later because I got a job"

"That's great mom, I'll ask questions after school when you arrive"

"Sounds like a plan"

Then I leave after I hug my mom and I start walking to school and I see Uraraka and Iida waiting for me so I catch up to them and we start talking

"You should take better care of yourself Midoriya"

"I feel better now Iida"

"Hey Deku?"

"Yeah Uraraka"

"Why was Bakugo asking about you?"

"Oh he wanted to talk to my mom about something"I lied no he didn't

"And before you guys ask no I don't know what he asked her I was in my room"

"I guess that makes sense Deku"

"Uraraka, Midoriya we must hurry to school if not we'll be late"

We all realized we we're going to be late so we all start racing to school and Iida won because of his quirk

"Good job Iida"

"Deku he only won because of his quirk" Uraraka pouted

"That's true Uraraka" said Iida with a bow in apology

"U-uh Iida it's ok you d-don't have to apologise"

We all laugh and hurry to get to class on time, when we got to class Mr.Aizawa looks really mad.

"Good morning students"

"Good morning Mr.Aizawa"is what everyone said as a reply

"Allmight will be joining us today"

"Mr.Aizawa, why is he joining us?ribbit"

"Well Asui he's joining us so then we can continue our lesson"he looks more concerned"I'm guessing no one heard my plans for today even though I said them a few days ago"

"Like I said your after the internships"
——————————————————basically I removed the hero killer sorry if you liked him 😑😑😑😑😑😑
And I also made it skip to after the internship
"We will be having a 'hero training vacation' so then we can have fun and make sure you are all in great shape for hero training"

"It is not wise to be only strong with a quirk but also with strength hahaha"said allmight with his grin

"Allmight will be putting you all with strength tests and things like that, while the other teachers including me will do something different"

"So basically we'll have to do something different everyday except for with all might?"

"Exactly Uraraka"said Aizawa

"Excuse me Mr.Aizawa, will we have to use any of the skills we used in our internships in the different activities?"

(Narrator POV)
Mr.Aizawa looks at Allmight for help to respond the question, All might then says

"You can use the skills if you want, just do whatever is easier for you"

"Thank you Sir" then Iida sits down

Kacchan then raises his hand

"Yes young Bakugo?"

"Will we be able to beat the cràp out of anyone?"

"You mean like battling Bakugo"said Aizawa

Allmight then says"yes I believe so"

(No one's POV)

Bakugo is satisfied with that and smirks. The rest of the class asks questions like the location of the place they are going, safety precautions, and things like that

"We will be going to Emerald forest and the teachers will be coming with us so Iida safety isn't a problem"said Aizawa

"Thank you sir"

"Aizawa I have a question" said ashido

"What is it?"

"What were your plans for today?"

"My plans were to tell you students that we will be going on hero training and answer questions to get them out of the way"

Then the school bell rings so now we have to go to lunch I go to sit down with Iida and Uraraka and then we start talking about the camp

"Hey Deku, Iida what do you think is going to be at camp?"

"I'm not really sure but hopefully the tests aren't too hard"

"But if they weren't difficult then how would we get stronger" said Iida while doing weird hand movements

We continue our conversation when Kaminari walks over

"Hey Midoriya"

"Oh uh, hey there Kaminari"

"Can you come with me real quick"

"Oh yeah sure"

(Bakugo's POV)

I walk out of the class with Sh!tty hair and sparky and we head to lunc

"Hey Kirashima why'd you tell Midoriya that Bakugo has a crush on him?"

"I only did it because Midoriya is so freaking cut-"


"And because Bakubro does that"

"Hey Bakugo why do you get so mad when we talk about Midoriya?"

"Mind your own fùcking business sparky"

And with that we arrived at lunch so we sit down then I'm caught staring at Deku by sh!tty hair and Sparky

"Your gay as fúck for Midoriya aren't you a Bakubro?"

"Oooooh~" said stupid sparky

"Shut the hell up nerds"

I think they noticed that I was getting a little flustered

"Well I have to ask Bakugo's boyfriend real quick"

I was close to grabbing sparkys shirt but he ran when he noticed that I was mad .then he asked Midoriya something and they were off and I followed them and I didn't even know why my feet moved on their own
Sorry for updating late ,writers block is killing me

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