Whatcha starin at~

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(Izuku POV)
Today is the day that we get to go to hero training camp and I'm really excited. I have to pack a few things like the essentials.

-hero notebook
-phone (duh)
-2 allmight shirts
-5 regular shirts
-7 pairs of pants
-baggy green sweater

Basically all that I'll need to survive the week that we're going to stay

*Message from 👽Uravity👽*
👽Uravity👽-hey Deku you almost done!!!

✌️smallmight✌️-almost I'll meet you at the place we always do k and text Iida

👽 Uravity 👽-will do Deku see ya!

✌️ Smallmight ✌️-okay bye

*End of texting*

I get my stuff ready and I'm heading out.'I wonder why we have to go to camp on a Saturday' I head to our stop and see Iida and Uraraka standing around ,I go say hi ,and we get going

"So Deku what did you do with Bakugo yesterday?~"

My face flushes and I become a stuttering mess

"I-I u-uh...w-well uh we u-uh"

"Calm down Midoriya she was only kidding" then Iida smacks Uraraka on the head

"Iida"she whined

"It's disrespectful to tease others Uraraka"

"I know"she faces me "sorry Deku"

"It's okay Uraraka"

We stop walking Because we got to school. Then we see our class huddled near a bus so we walk over.

"Young Midoriya how are you"

"I'm good allmight"

"That's good to hear, how are you young Iida and Uraraka?"

"I'm doing great"

"I'm doing swell, thank you for asking"

(I'm pretty sure you know who said what😹)

Everyone then gets on the bus and Aizawa starts talking

"Okay students you are going to draw lots to see who you have to dorm with, there are 3 beds in each cabin meaning you have to share with 3 people"

"You see us teachers are going to draw them for you so it's fair, understood?"
Said Allmight as he asked the class

Everyone then nods and Midnight picks the first three,

"Katsuki,Ejirou, and Denki you are now sharing a cabin!"midnight basically screams

Kacchan whispers something but I can't hear him strange anyways I'm with Uraraka and Iida

The next group is Koda, ashido,and Tsu. Then Momo, jirou, and hagakure.
Then todoroki, tokoyami, and ayoama. Then there's mineta, sero, and ojiro. Then there were two left so sato and shoji pair up.

|Bakugo POV|

Damn I thought I was going to pair up with Deku like every good fanfic. But instead I was paired with these morons.

"Damn I wanted to be with Deku"I whisper

"What was that Bakubro?"

"Mind your own business sh!tty hair"

"Ehhhhh~is Bakugo mad, hey Kiri do you think Deku would like Bakugo like that?~"

"I don't know probably not though~"

I hate those two so damn much

"Tch, as if I'd care"

I walk to the cabin and there's only 2 bathrooms and 3 beds. I can't complain to be completely honest. So then Kirashima and Denki are in the bathroom not together though you pervs. Anyways I change and go outside and it's the fúcking afternoon.

"Good afternoon young Bakugo how are you?"

"I guess I'm doing okay"

"Something on your mind?'

"Why would you care anyways?"

"I'm your teacher I'm supposed to"

"Screw off Allmight"

He just laughed and walked away then I start walking off to the mountain trail and fúck.

"Oh hey there kacchan" Deku said with that cute a$$ smile

Wait his smile isn't cute what the h3ll am I saying?!

"Hey Deku" I say in a like pissed off tone he flinched which was even cute-I mean weirder yeah

"What are you doing here Kacchan"

"The h3lls it look like I'm doing, I'm walking"

"R-right u-uh w-well K-Kacchan I-I was wondering if you"

"If I what?"

"W-would like t-to walk with m-me"

Sh!t I was caught off guard

"I have nothing better to do so sure"

So we start walking and I decided to break the silence.

"What are were you doing walking by yourself Deku?"

"Oh well I uh, I wanted the view from the top of the mountain"

"Wow Deku, that's cute"


|Midoriya POV|

I think Kacchan realized what he just said

"Sh!t Deku that's not what I meant!" He looked away flustered

I just Chuckled at him. And he turned even more red

"Shut up Deku"

Then we finally reached the top it was beautiful. You could see everything from up there.

"It's beautiful Kacchan" I grabbed his hand

"Deku let me go"then he looks at the view"beautiful"

We stay there for a few more minutes then we walk back down because it was night.'kacchan hasn't let go of my hand yet' then we were about to reach the bottom.

"Don't tell anyone about this okay"


Then he let's go of my hand and starts walking in front of me.' I thought we could get along again'. I see the class sitting by the camp fire so I sit near Uraraka and Iida.

|Katsuki POV|

Damnit I didn't want to let go of Deku's hand but I had to. I walk in front of him to avoid weird tension. I see him sit near round face and the fast and furious freak. I sit near sh!tty hair and Pikachu. I look over at Deku laughing with pink cheeks. I won't admit but I was jealous of pink cheeks.

"Whatcha starin at~"

Fúck I was cought by sh!tty hair


"Sure doesn't seem like nothing Bakugo~"

"Hey Kaminari, we're going to play truth or dare you 3 wanna play?"

"H3ll no leave us alone pink-"

"Of course we'll play ashido"

Why do they never give me a fùcking choice

"Alright who's going first?" Asked Momo

"How about...Midoriya!"

"H-huh w-why me"

"Truth or Dare"
I'm out of ideas so I'll let you all choose

Truth or Dare  choose wisely

|Spoiler alert|they each include Bakugo|

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Thank you for motivating me into writing!!!

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