I can't wait

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Sadly I am ending my book here, I'm sorry if you enjoyed it I'm going to try to make this longer than the other chapters.


|Katsuki POV|

I pull away from kissing Deku.

"Kacchan what was that all about?"

"Deku...I might've been a jerk in the past but I want to put all of that behind us, this might be sudden and surprising Deku will you...go out with me? You don't have to answer me immediately you can always tell me no-"

"Kacchan this is sudden, but I'd like to go on a gate with you"

"Where to?"

"At my house so then we can talk, just the two of us sound good?"

"Yeah, we'll have to wait until after camp though"

"No problem, we can still hang out whenever they let us have free time"

"Sounds good to me"

How is Deku so calm about this?! I'm literally dying and he probably noticed that. Ugh when did he get so confident? Not that I mind...

|Izuku POV|

How is Kacchan so calm?! Why am I pretending to be calm I'm legit going to hyperventilate Kacchan my childhood crush just literally asked me out and now we are going on a date after camp and we get to hang out! I'm literally the happiest I've ever been.

We start heading back down holding hands, but unlike last time he didn't let go of my hand he kept holding it. I swear I'm going to die right now.

Me and Kacchan went to our cabins but before that we shared a small hug.
I really want to say yes to him I really do, but how am I so sure he won't hurt me I don't mean to be rude but we are talking about Kacchan here.

I'll know what to say when the time comes, I'd whole heartedly say yes but I need to make sure I'm not making any mistakes in my decision.

I want Kacchan to treat me right, the past still haunts me... I want to move forward from that like he said he's been much nicer to me as of lately so I'm happy for at least that, it means he's making an effort to be with me.

|Katsuki POV|

I did it I asked him out, I'm excited and nervous to hear his answer though I'm not really sure he wants to go out with me, I wouldn't want to go out with me either.

(That's a big mood)

I'm just scared what happens if he won't accept me, I want to go out with him I really do but the past haunts me like no tommorow, whatever I do the past comes up and it's all so difficult to deal with, I don't even mean to lash out at Deku sometimes but everything that's been bottled up just explodes.

I want Deku to be there with me telling me everything is okay and he'll even be the reason for me being able to move forward. Be able to move on from the past, I want to create a future with Deku.

"Bakubro, you okay? We've been talking with you for a while and you were lost in thought"

"Whatcha thinkin 'bout Bakugo?"

"I asked Deku out"

"What?!" The two idiots say in unison

"Bakubro that's amazing what'd he say?"

"I told him that he doesn't have to answer me immediately so the answer is in hiatus"

(Just like me for about 20 years)

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