Truth or dare OwO

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Like only one person responded to my question but that's fine cause like I'm bored and have nothing better to do anyways

Lots of Shiz that I don't own is here lmao😹😹😹
|Katsuki POV|

Momo whispers something to Deku


The girls giggle and Pinkie, easy bake oven(Momo), and pink cheeks took Deku into a girl cabin. Well it's not like I care or something.Hmph. Anyways it was Kirashima's turn to ask someone.

"Bakubro truth or dare?"


"Drink this"

He grabs a water bottle from behind the log

"How much do I drink from this?"

"All of it"

So that's what I did no questions asked. But then I was bitter Water isn't bitter unless. He fúcking didn't.

"So how you feeling Bakubro?"

"WhAt ThE HeLl is ThIs Sh!T???"

Suddenly the girls return after like 10 minutes. And holy sh!t is that... no it can't be.

"Sooooo~Bakugo what do you think of Deku~?"

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"Sooooo~Bakugo what do you think of Deku~?"

"DeKu is HoT BuT He DoEsN't NeEd To LoOk GiRlY"

"Hey Bakugo, what did you drink???"asked invisible girl

"AsK KiRaShImA"

"Kiri what did you give him?"Asked tape arms

"Too bad Bakubro can't handle his liquor"


"I just found some in the fridge so I took it"

"wait, who packed alcohol?" Asked easy bake oven

"It was me"said pink cheeks"I didn't expect someone to take it"

Well her plans were fúcked from the beginning

"L-lets j-just k-keep playing"Deku started shaking

"Okay Bakubro your turn"

"EaSy BaKe OvEn"

"Disrespectful Bakugo"

"It's okay Iida besides, it's pretty funny" said easy bake oven

"TrUtH oR DaRe???"


"WhY tF dId YoU DrEsS uP DeKu"

"You're still oblivious?!"


"Well Bakugo-"

"Because everyone knows you want Deku's di-"

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