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  when jonah found my spot moans were flying out of my mouth. i felt his cold hands around my boobs his dick growing. i never felt like this before. it was a weird feeling. i wanted him in me more then ever. but i didn't want to say anything. he took his hands off my boobs and stopped making hickeys. he grabbed my waste. i was really confused. "i'm sorry" that's all he said. then without me knowing he shoved his big dick in me. i screamed in pain and arched my back  "baby girl. its ok. just breathe" he said over my screaming. i but i started to breathe slowly then i adjusted to his big dick.

"good" he said

"yes" i smiled

     after i said yes. she started to thrust. i moaned and started to breathe heavily. jonah was breathing heavily too. and he was doing most of the work.  "jonahhhhh" i said. he just looked at me so i assumed he was listening "please go faster" i stuttered
he kept going the same pace. maybe he didn't hear me "jonah!" i yelled

"that's not my name when we have sex"

"what" i said all confused

"for now on i am your daddy" he said with a smirk

"i don't care who you are just go faster"

"nope. you have to call me daddy first"

   "DADDY. GO FASTER" i yelled. he had a smile on his faces grabbed my waste tighter and started to go really fast. i enjoyed it so much but there was no way jonah needed to know. i mean i'll do it again with him over and over again. with out me saying anything he went faster i arched my back let out moans and my bed started to move. soon enough a hole was created. jonah got tired. he pulled out. but he wasn't satisfied i could tell. but i didn't know what he was going to do. i laid there on my bed with my eyes closed trying to slowdown my breathing. i was not expecting this to happen but jonah stuck his fingers in me that lead out so many moans and me arching my back. he puts another finger in. i started to breathe heavily again. he pulled them out. and my breathing slowed down.

he was still unsatisfied he started to eat me out. i felt so uncomfortable but i know he enjoyed it. i think he likes the sound of me moaning. when he stoped. he still looked unsatisfied still he shoved his dick in me again. he thrusted very fast. i was trying to breath. he went fast and i cummed. he looked so happy and satisfied. he pulled out and laid down next me

"see. didn't you have fun" he said. i didn't say anything. i didn't want to admit that i will have fun doing this probably once a week. i look to see if he still had a boner. and he did. he was falling asleep i got off the bed he open his eyes and i knew he was starring at my ass i could fell it.

i went to his open legs took off the condom and threw it away. he looked so confused i went back to his dick and started to eat it. he did no expect that to happen. so once i did it. he was moaning like crazy


as soon as she started to eat me which i was not expecting from her at all. a lot of moans came out of my mouth. i wanted her to go faster so i grabbed her hair into a ponytail and started to move her head up and down. 30 minuets of that we finally stopped. today was officially the best first day of school. and damn for her first time bitch she was GREAT. i want her to have my damn kids. one of these days im not going to wear a condom and get her pregnant.

Hurt//Jonah Marais { completed }Where stories live. Discover now